雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Maintenance of former dependants To provide immediate financial relief to the former dependants of the deceased, you can apply for a ‘Certificate for Necessity of Release of Money‘ with the Home Affairs Department to release money from the deceased’s bank

  2. Handling small estate. If the deceased’s entire estate in HKSAR as at the date of death does not exceed HKD50,000 in total, and the deceased does not hold any property as a trustee or as the manager of a Tso or Tong, a 'Confirmation Notice' may be applied for instead of the Grant of Representation. Applying for the Confirmation Notice is ...

  3. 您可能認為自己不會上當,但事實上,不少人都墜進詐騙及情騙陷阱。 我們最新的調查發現 1 ,在香港最常見六大騙案中(電子支付、網上情緣、身份盜竊,冒充官員,求職騙案及詐騙電話),超過80%香港人曾經成為騙徒的目標,當中26%墮入騙案,平均損失 ...

  4. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...

  5. 僅於數年內繳付保費,將來便可於長達25年或直至99歲 [@birthdaydefinition]的年金期中每月獲取穩定年金收入,既可累積財富,又可靈活配合您的退休需要。. 「滙豐裕達年金計劃」是由新造年金業務穩佔香港市場第一 [@no1annuityprovider]的滙豐保險承保,憑專業為您 ...

  6. 請查閱信用卡的交易記錄,如果發現有異常交易,請於月結單發出日起60天內盡快通知我們跟進。. 若凍結懷疑被盜用的信用卡後未曾即時安排補發卡,請在凍結卡日起計30天內申請。. 若於凍結卡後30天內仍未申請補發卡,同一信用卡戶口內的附屬卡(如適用)會 ...

  7. 1. 我為何要簽署聲明書?. 由於聲明書將清楚列明您在監察安悅自主個人戶口時需承擔的責任,簽署聲明書可保障您和患有認知障礙症客戶的權益。. 2. 在銀行登記持久授權書後,是否必須開立安悅自主個人戶口?. 不是,您可自行選擇是否開立戶口。. 在銀行 ...

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