雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Title Q2103012_HSBC_EBS_2021 April_Executive version Leaflet_TC_V2_Online Created Date 3/19/2021 1:15:17 PM

  2. Building on our insights from last year, HSBC Premier has conducted a survey in Hong Kong to examine the market landscape further. The HSBC Premier 2023 Affluent Survey delves deeper into the evolving financial goals and landscapes of Hong Kong’s affluents. Influenced by a blend of various factors, both global and local, the affluent has adopted new trends in wealth management.

  3. 全面滙豐按揭計劃, 配合你的需要. 了解更多. 即時按揭評估. 評估貸款能力及置業預算. 即時評估. 物業估價. 搜尋香港主要屋苑單位的網上估價. 物業估價. 置業及按揭申請流程. 總結買樓的8個步驟,詳述買樓和申請按揭貸款的流程。 了解更多. 按揭申請文件準備清單. 查看申請按揭所需的文件。 了解更多.

  4. 善用儲蓄及往來戶口 同時,Angel處事有條不紊,將開支與儲蓄金額通過不同戶口分開得一清二楚。在每月獲得薪金後,她都會將部份薪金存到儲蓄戶口內,避免胡亂動用。剩餘的薪金則留在往來戶口,用作日常開支使用。

  5. 嚴選適合自己的儲蓄工具. Angel知道想樂享無憂的退休生活需要一筆巨額。. 所以,她在坊間物色合適自己的儲蓄工具,希望可以更快達成目標。. 最後,她選擇了人壽保險產品。. 這份保單為Angel提供長線財富增長機會,而以下的特點更吸引到Angel投保:. 潛在財富 ...

  6. In Hong Kong, the two major types of mortgage plans are floating rate and fixed rate, with two different floating-rate mortgage plans, namely HIBOR-based and prime-based mortgages. This article explains the differences between these mortgage plans, and illustrates how interest rate trends impact mortgage loan repayment and the implications ...

  7. 滙豐One 撐起每個Legend 滙豐One相信要做世一,就要敢去挑戰。放膽做自己,legend就係你!為咗鼓勵大家,滙豐One破天荒聯乘LoL世界級電競隊T1,希望透過佢哋嗰份無限熱誠,堅定信念,去感染每個legendary嘅你。