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  1. の検索結果です。吉田カバンの公式サイト - PORTER、LUGGAGE LABELなどのアイテム最新情報、イベント情報、特集など吉田カバンのすべてをご紹介。 商店列表 商店新聞 從地圖中查找 PORTER 搬運工 PORTER EXCHANGE 搬運工交換 PORTER GINZA 波特金薩 ...

  2. WALLET. PORTER's representative series "SMOKY", which has been updated for 20 years since its release. The greatest attraction of the "SMOKY" series is the original fabric "Cordura Duck", which is packed with outstanding craftsmanship in each process from thread to weaving. Zimbabwean cotton is used for the warp threads, and uneven uneven yarn ...

  3. It is a limited item of the concept shop "PORTER EXCHANGE (commonly known as PX)", which mainly features the "TANKER" series, which is synonymous with PORTER. "PX TANKER" was developed in an original style based on the "TANKER" series, which is synonymous with PORTER. The original 3-layer bonding fabric developed with the motif of the flight ...

  4. 耐久性と耐水性に優れた2種類の異なる素材を組み合わせ、無骨でスタイリッシュなデザインが魅力の「HEAT(ヒート)」シリーズです。2001 A/Wのシリーズ発表以来、その時代のライフスタイルに合わせたアイテムの追加を行いながら、ビジネスバッグから小物まで幅広い方にお使いいただける ...

  5. 關於禮品包裝. “HEAT (熱量) ”係列由耐用且防水的兩種不同材料組合而成,其粗獷時尚的設計極具魅力。. 自2001 A/W係列發佈以來,不斷追加符合那個時代的生活方式的單品,同時備有從商務包到小物件等各種用途的豐富產品線。. 主要面料使用了66尼龍線編織而 ...

  6. CUBIC BAG. "PX TANKER" is a series based on PORTER's synonymous "TANKER", which combines a special color scheme, high functionality and practicality. The original 3-layer bonding fabric developed with the motif of the flight jacket "MA-1" remains as it is, with a special color scheme combining different colored tapes and mil-spec tags on the ...

  7. PORTERのFREESTYLE Dyneema LEATHER(フリースタイル ダイニーマレザー) SHOULDER BAG(391-05290 - ショルダーバッグ)を購入できます。吉田カバンの公式サイト - PORTER、LUGGAGE LABELなどのアイテム最新情報、イベント情報、特集など吉田カバンの

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