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    • 1. year of one's birth sign, according to the cycle of 12 animals of the earthly branches 地支[di4 zhi1]

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  2. 2023年2月23日 · 本命年指一个人的出生属相所在的年份the year of one's birth sign),也称“属相年(zodiac year)”。 例句: 今年是我的本命年。 This year is the year of my birth sign. Editor: Jade. 中国日报网英语点津版权说明:凡注明来源为“中国日报网英语点津:XXX(署名)”的原创作品,除与中国日报网签署英语点津内容授权协议的网站外,其他任何网站或单位未经允许不得非法盗链、转载和使用,违者必究。

  3. 2014年12月25日 · 在英语里,“本命年” 的地道说法是year of fate或者animal year, 此外也可以看到把“本命年”翻译为 birth year和 big year的。 所以“今年是我的本命年”用英语来说就是: This year is my year of fate. This year is my animal year. This year is my birth year. 羊羊们

  4. 2014年1月20日 · 在英语里,“本命年” 的地道说法是year of fate或者animal year,此外也可以看到把“本命年”翻译为birth year和big year的。 所以“今年是我的本命年”用英语来说就是: This year is my year of fate. This year is my animal year. This year is my birth year. This year is my big year. 现在大家也来说说自己的生肖和本命年吧!

  5. 2015年1月28日 · (Wǒ shǔ yáng.) My Chinese zodiac is the sheep.” “本命年 (běnmìngnián)” refers to the other years which have the same zodiac as the year in which you were born. Since there are twelve zodiac signs in China, the “本命年 (běnmìngnián)” is based on a twelve-year cycle. The Spring Festival for the year 2015 is coming and with it we will enter “羊年 (yángnián).”

  6. 2012年6月25日 · 本命年的英文: one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches. 参考例句: This year is the year of the ox, which happens to be the same sign as the year of your birth. 今年是牛年,正好是你的本命年。 According to old customs, when a person reaches one's birth year, one must tie on a red belt. 按照老习惯,人到了自己的本命年,得系一根红腰带。 one是什么意思 : num. 一;同一个、最重要的一个.

  7. English definition and translation from Chinese of: 本命年 with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and more information on meaning and use.

  8. 本命年 [Pinyin] běn mìng nián [English meaning] year of one's birth sign, according to the cycle of 12 animals of the earthly branches 地支[di4 zhi1] [Synonym] 周年