雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司自1992年開始營業至今,於香港私人財務公司市場發展多年,為廣大市民提供方便稱心的貸款服務,同時公司亦重視員工的培訓,並致力拓展多元化的貸款業務網絡,為香港市民提供靈活的私人貸款方案,解決現金周轉需要。 此外,邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司的貸款服務以日息計算,具循環貸款功能等的私人貸款服務,亦擁有多間分行遍佈港九新界,及特設「會員貸款專線」及「網上貸款申請服務」,為會員提供全天候電話及網上私人貸款。 其便利之處,令邦民成為廣大市民歡迎的貸款公司。 邦民香港的優勢 - 值得信賴. 邦民香港是日本三大的大型銀行集團之一: 三井住友金融集團 (SMFG)的集團成員。

  2. 信用卡找數迷思一: 相信很多人都試過用信用卡免息分期,您知道提早還款可能要支付餘下期數的手續費嗎? 以銀行A為例,提早還款將收取分期計劃餘下期數之手續費(最高為 10 個月之手續費)及$300行政費。 信用卡找數迷思二: 分期計劃提早還款可以節省金錢? 不一定,若提早還款所節省的利息金額能抵消甚至多於提早還款費用,提早還款才能節省金錢。 信用卡找數迷思三: 分期計劃提早還款有哪幾種手續費? 若打算提早還款,應先向銀行查詢提早還款的總金額,當中包括:分期計劃中尚欠的貸款餘額、提早還款手續費、未償還的手續費等。 信用卡找數有困難找邦民! 邦民是您解決財務困難的貼心之選! 信用卡找數有困難找哪間財務公司好?

  3. Credit Card Repayment Myths 1. Many people used credit card interest-free instalment plan, if you want to make an early repayment, do you know that you may require to pay the handling fee of the remaining period of instalment plan?

  4. Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd is a 100% wholly owned overseas subsidiary of SMBC Consumer Finance (hereinafter "SMBCCF"), one of the leading consumer finance institutions in Japan. Established as a licensed money lender in Hong Kong in 1992, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd inherits the experience of SMBCCF in credit management, operation management ...

  5. 申請時間頗,普遍需要4個月以上 申請人或難以向銀行申請新的信用卡 債務重組紀錄會登記在破產署的特備名冊內,公眾可隨時查閱 對從事紀律部隊、金融業人士來說,申請債務重組有可能影響其職途 只適合欠債額較少人士

  6. Promise has been dedicated our professional service to helping Hong Kong people with their financial needs since 1992. Aside from our daily business, we also actively work with other communities in Hong Kong through various activities planning to achieve sustainability under ESG framework. We are dedicated to promoting environmental protection ...

  7. www.promise.com.hk › en › faqFAQ | Promise HK

    Browse all the FAQs to find out about the loan application and approval process, handling fees, settlement, revolving loan, and repayment. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively.

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