雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 先生是一位兼職送貨員,在近期持續低迷的股市中連環投資失利。 甚至連基本的開支都負擔不起,又不敢跟親人坦白借錢,唯有向財務公司借錢周轉。 為了應急,他嘗試經二線及三線財務公司以電話借錢周轉,這次他會與我們分享自己的親身經驗。 據先生所說,他當初急於周轉並擔心自己未能符合貸款要求,若向銀行或一線財務公司借錢,未必能及時獲得快速的貸款批核。 剛巧於網上看到一則小型財務公司的「電話數即批」廣告,以免信貸報告﹑電話數無需見面﹑可即批為賣點,借錢過程只需身份證及電話,即批即過數,連合約也不用簽。 先生表示這間三線財務公司亦對借款人的背景審查較寬鬆,不要求申請者遞交證明文件,正正讓以打散工和兼職為生﹑主要以現金出糧的他免卻了煩惱。

  2. 本公司近日接獲報告,涉嫌有騙徒冒認本公司代表/員工,向客戶要求還款。 請 按此 瀏覽詳情。 私人貸款知識. 信用卡分期提早還款有著數? 拆解信用卡找數三大迷思! 信用卡分期提早還款有著數? 拆解信用卡找數三大迷思! 在需要周轉時,許多人均會透過申請 私人貸款 、透支信用卡或信用卡分期以解決燃眉之急。 當周轉問題解決後,不少人希望能提早還款,節省利息支出。 然而,提早還款有機會需要支付額外費用,隨時不能省下金錢之餘還要倒過頭來蝕錢。 到底為何信用卡分期計劃提早還款要支付額外費用? 大眾對信用卡找數的三大迷思又是甚麼? 本文將會詳細分析提早還款的規則及計算方法,讓您在還款或信用卡找數方面也能成為精明的一群! 拆解信用卡找數三大迷思.

  3. 邦民的還款方案以日息計算,利息只會計算至全數清還當日,亦不會收取提早清還手續費及罰息,減省不必要的利息開支。. 根據放債人條例,實際利率最高為年息百分之36。. 以貸款HK$200,000、月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計),按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免 ...

    • Repayment Period
    • Interest Rate
    • Fee
    • Application Documents
    • Reward Program

    The length of your repayment period will affect your monthly payment. A longer repayment period means a lower monthly repayment amount, with less repayment pressure. However, it also means a higher total interest. Therefore, when applying for a loan you should evaluate your financial status and repayment ability in order to choose a suitable repaym...

    When borrowing money, it's better to choose a loan product with lower interest rate because a higher interest rate will increase the total cost of a loan. Before borrowing money, you should learn about different methods of interest calculation such as monthly flat-rate, day rate, etc. When you compare different loan products, you should also take t...

    Some financial institutions charge handling fees and administration fees when granting loans. When comparing loan products, you need to check if there are any hidden costs or interests which will eventually increase your loan cost. Promise has no hidden costs or handling fees attached to their product, so our clients will receive their loan in full...

    It is common that loan application requires documents including HKID card, proof of address, proof of income, etc. Some people may not be able to provide the required documents, which results in being rejected for a loan. Certain financial institutions have launched solutions that require no supporting documents to simplify the approval process and...

    To attract customers, financial institutions often offer promotions or rewards, mostly in the form of cash rewards, supermarket coupons, etc., which are typically on a "borrow more, earn more" basis. At Promise, we offer different promotions to both new customers and existing members. Customers who apply and withdraw loans successfully can enjoy re...

  4. The Personal Revolving Loan has a flexible repayment amount. Once approved, you don’t have to reapply. Resolve your urgent financial needs now! ... With PROMISE revolving loan, I can get fund whenever I need and ensure more stable cash flow! Mr. Wong 30

  5. The maximum loan amount for "Freelancer" will be HK$100,000. Repayment period of No-doc Loan for Self-employed varies from 3 to 84 months. Assuming a loan amount of HK$200,000, with monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%) and a repayment period of 36 months with no handling fee, the monthly repayment amount will be HK$5,940.

  6. Use Promise's loan calculator to calculate the repayment amount and repayment period of a personal loan for your reference, and see the cost of your loan clearly at a glance. Borrowing money is just that secure, without any hesitation!

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