雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我們提供獨到市場分析和見解,以配合您投資及財富管理需要,包括本行觀點、外滙走勢、環球及區域市場展望、可持續性遠見、前瞻性思維及投資知識。. 重要訊息: 爲了讓客戶在瀏覽投資觀點及其他内容時能獲享更優質體驗,本行最近進行了平台升級 ...

  2. 好好管理您金錢絕對能夠幫助您達至財政穩定和自由。您要時刻掌握自己財政狀況,才能應對通脹,並應付社會或經濟環境中難以預料變化。 了解自己理財習慣和看待財富態度,對財政自由十分重要。您可以先問問自己這些問題: 您有沒有入不敷支?

  3. 如中英文版本內容有差異,須以英文版本內容為準。 本文件或影片內容未經任何香港或任何其他司法管轄區監管機構審閱。建議您就相關投資及本文件或影片內容審慎行事。如您對本文件或影片內容有任何疑問,應向獨立人士尋求專業意見。

  4. 訂立每月儲蓄目標,著手儲起應急基金。. 撥錢作退休基金。. 訂立短期與長期理財目標,短期目標可以是準時繳款或減低開支。. 定時(每隔一至兩星期)回顧自己財政狀況。. 學習理財知識,裝備自己。. 在邁向財政自由路上,您需要保持耐性,時刻堅持 ...

  5. Set aside money for retirement. Set short-term and long-term financial goals (a short term goal could be paying your bills on time or cutting down your expenses). Review your finances regularly (on a weekly or bi-weekly basis). Read financial education materials to help you on your journey. Patience and persistence are key.

  6. Scenarios you may encounter when investing in ELIs. An equity-linked investment (ELI) is a type of structured product. Its investment return is directly linked to the performance of a single underlying equity or a basket of up to 4 underlying equities. An ELI is typically a short to medium-term investment product that may provide potential ...

  7. MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits are payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or on early retirement on or after reaching age 60. The accrued benefits can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments, at the Member’s election. The accrued benefits can be paid in such form and on such terms and conditions as the Trustee may, to the extent ...

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