雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年11月28日 · Okoge, the burned rice at the bottom of the pot, is used to refer to heterosexual women who "stick to" homosexual men. It relates directly to okama (as mentioned above, okama is a pot that can be used to cook rice). The English equivalent, which is equally unfavorable, is "fag hag," though the less offensive "fruit fly" is gaining in popularity.

  2. 在全世界幾乎都買得到的KIT KAT,其實在每個國家的味道都不一樣,尤其是日本的KIT KAT已經進化成有自己獨特的Style了,今天讓我們來介紹KIT KAT的8個小祕密,看完後大家都會想馬上飛去日本大採購一番吧! 1. 日本到目前為止已經開發過300種口味以上的KIT KAT. 1973年 ...

  3. 2017年5月3日 · Matsuko Deluxe ('Matsuko') Matsuko Deluxe (マツコ・デラックス) is a famous Japanese TV host and writer known for his cross-dressing persona, marked by long dresses and blunt commentary. He is also a well-known LGBT+ symbol, never shying away from speaking out in defense of homosexuality. Before standing in front of the camera, he ...

  4. 日本威士忌品牌販售有混合與單一麥芽威士忌,有興趣的朋友不妨參考以下六款適合入門者的日本威士忌。. 1. SUNTORY 山崎(單一麥芽威士忌). 鳥井信治郎所建的「山崎蒸餾所」,不僅是日本第一間蒸餾所,生產的威士忌「山崎」更是獲獎無數, 口感溫和,香氣 ...

  5. 2017年10月16日 · Discussions around sexual and gender rights are becoming more and more prevalent in Japan, and transgender rights are right at the center. We were fortunate to talk with Selina Provias, who came out as transgender and underwent hormone therapy in Japan, to learn about her experiences and how they have affected her work and personal life here.

  6. 2021年10月5日 · 一顿丰盛的早餐会开启一天的原动力,使得一上午的工作更高效的进行。. 午餐. 小优会选择营养搭配均衡的日式套餐,米饭一般会选择小份。. 她说日本女孩确实是会为了保持身材而特意“小胃”,把普通分量的米饭换成小份,或是把白米饭换成杂粮饭都是不错 ...

  7. 這個古怪的日本產品是TOTO製作的"音姬公主"(直譯:聲音公主),音姬公主是常常被設在新型的免治馬桶的功能,用來蓋住使用者如廁時發出的聲響,讓各位好好享受自己的"公主時光"。不用懷疑,這個產品會被開發的理由當然是太多的女孩子為了掩蓋自己如廁的聲響,而過度頻繁的沖馬桶造成水資源的 ...

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