雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 長期及短期 存倉服務 一律歡迎,十分適合 傢俬存倉或傢俱存倉 ,尤其 裝修傢俬存倉. 貨櫃堅固安全,自鎖自存,存取方便. 多部閉路電視24小時運作及保安人員駐守,確保 自存倉 安全. 存倉服務 不設最低消費,免登記費、入閘費. 適合各行各業或私人租用 (如 ...

  2. Self Storage Service. Long term or short term storage service are all welcome. Unlimited free access to warehouse within business hours, safe and easy! 24 hours CCTV and security guard stationed to ensure your container (s) is safe! No minimum charge, no registration fee, no admission fee! Suitable for all kinds of business or personal usage.

  3. 分設10呎、20呎及40呎貨櫃適合儲存由數百平方呎至四千平方呎空間之傢俱、文件及設備。 租倉查詢,請致電2744 8188 電郵至info@whitehead.hk 版權所有。長和管理有限公司刊發 2014 。不得轉載 儲存倉服務 關於儲存倉服務 存倉指南 儲存倉常見問題 ...

  4. whiteheadstorage.hk › regulations存倉指南

    10 尺 20尺 40尺 能裝幾板? (需視乎卡板尺寸) 不建議使用卡板 8 - 14 18 - 26 租倉查詢,請致電2744 8188 電郵至info@whitehead.hk 版權所有。長和管理有限公司刊發 2014 。不得轉載 ...

  5. whiteheadstorage.hk › en › furniture-storageFurniture Storage Service

    We have 10 feet, 20 feet and 40 feet Container for storing up to hundreds of sq ft to 4,000 sq ft of furniture, files and equipment. For any enquiry, please call 2744 8188 or email to info@whitehead.hk

  6. whiteheadstorage.hk › download › regulationsOcean First Logistics Ltd

    There is forklift for hire and hand pallet truck for borrow in the venue. The forklift service is rented together with the driver, and the hand pallet truck is used by the tenant in the venue. In addition, the speed limit is 8km per hour, the tenants are required to comply. with the on-site traffic instructions.

  7. 10. 租戶應自購保險以保障其存放之貨物及工作人員之安全。 11. 對於客戶或貨主的貨物之任何滅失或損害,本公司只會在能夠證明該滅失或損害是貨物在本公 司的真正保管與控制下及因本公司疏忽或違反部份責任時需要負上責任。本公司在任何情況對