雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年4月21日 · At Daisekai, you can get a foot bath where hundreds of garra rufa, or doctor fish, nibble your old skin, dirt, and sweat. It might tickle a bit, but you'll come out with soft and supple feet. The cost is around 1,000 yen per 15 minutes. Location: 97 Yamashitacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0023. Video powered by Wanderlist Japan.

  2. 在山梨縣忠靈塔是全日本唯一一個可以完整看到富士山景色地方。 闊別冬季,春日裏櫻花競相開放,環繞在塔周圍,從這裏遠眺的話,還能看到富士山。將忠靈塔,富士山和櫻花海納入同一景框機會實在難得,毫無疑問參觀這裏時,拿起相機猛拍幾張是很有必要(4月中旬)。

  3. 2016年11月14日 · 九州七星号列车是JR九州所推出卧铺列车,环绕九州岛行驶,于2013年10月15日起开行。与日本其他已停驶及行驶中卧铺列车不同是,本列车是针对日本国内及亚洲金字塔顶级客层为对象,以套装旅游行程销售,并不单卖车票。吸引了国内外土豪前来体验。

  4. 2017年1月30日 · Watch on. Our favorite Texan and her humorous hubby are back with a list of five things that are acceptable to do here in Japan that might be frowned upon, or illegal, in the U.S. Grace contrasts her American sensibilities with her experiences here in Japan, while Ryosuke confirms that these things are in fact fine to do in Japan.

  5. 最常用是拿一至兩朵櫻花花瓣,先去掉適量鹽分再泡一杯茶。. 往杯中倒入熱水,等茶水呈淡粉色,散發出淡淡花瓣清香和茶滋味。. 雖然花瓣本身是可以食用,但為了不破壞美感,我們一般選擇不吃。. 如果想要獲得更柔和味道,可以先在熱水中將 ...

  6. 2016年4月23日 · In the simplest terms, Swallowtail is a “butler café.”. Butler cafés (similar to maid cafés) are places where patrons can visit and be waited on by, well, waitstaff that dress and act like old Victorian butlers. There is incredible attention to detail, from the number of buttons on the sleeves to the room decorations.