雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年12月2日 · 因結婚、離婚或子女正在學車而需要增加或減少受保司機數目. 因狀況轉變而需要更改保障範圍. 更改車輛用途. 住址更新. 加裝或拆除車輛配件. 以上情況時有發生,但很多人未必瞭解所投保的汽車保險會如何受到影響。 在甚麼情況下需要通知保險公司? 在香港,並非所有上述原因都需要知會保險公司。 因為在本港有關汽車擁有權的法律和法規之下,其中某幾個原因並沒多大意義。 當你的情況有所轉變時,汽車保險會如何受到影響呢? 車輛升級或降級. 你最近獲得一大筆金錢,又或者得到升職加薪,打算換架好一點的車輛獎勵自己嗎? 又或者,你最近成為父母,打算把跑車換成家庭車? 換車並不代表你必須購買新的汽車保險。 當然,你必須通知保險公司有關轉變,而且亦未必能繼續投保同一份保單。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  2. 2024年8月16日 · 1. 車保索償記綠及交通違規記錄. 保險公司會因應車保索償記綠及交通違規記錄而作出保費更新,如果你曾經在上一保險年度提出索償,便有機會在續保時被「加 Loading」,即收取額外保費;即使並未提出申索,保險公司亦有機會因應賠償率、市場狀況等綜合因素調整保費及條款。 因此,在同意續保之前,應先向保險經紀公司或保險公司查詢保費及保障範圍的變化及其背後原因。 如果曾涉及事故並提出索償,便要審視續保的保費會否明顯高於另覓全新的保險計劃。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Domestic Helper Employment Contract Termination Process
    • Premature Domestic Helper Employment Contract Termination Procedure
    • Domestic Helpers Contract Termination Fees
    • Considerations to Make Before Dismissing Your Helper…
    • Points to Note When Dismissing Domestic Helpers
    • Restrictions on The Dismissal of Foreign Domestic Helpers
    • Contact Kwiksure For Your Insurance Solutions

    Premature termination

    Both the employer and the domestic helper have the right to prematurely terminate the employment contract by giving one month's notice or pay one month's salary in lieu of notice. In this article, we'll focus mainly on this method of contract termination.

    Termination upon finishing the contract

    If neither party has their heart set on renewing, you only need to maintain this employment relationship until 28 days before the work visa granted by the Immigration Department expires. Alternatively, both parties can continue their employment relationship right up to the day the contract expires. Both scenarios above are considered ways of finishing the contract agreeably.

    Immediate termination due to disagreement

    You have the right to deny one month's notice and one month's salary if your helper has committed a grave mistake. Several examples include, "willfully disobeys a lawful and reasonable order", "misconducts himself/herself", "is guilty of fraud or dishonesty", "is habitually neglectful in his/her duties", and more. With that said, immediate non-contractual termination due to disagreement is a serious disciplinary action. Resort to this only if your helper has made an extremely serious mistake...

    Fill in the "Notification of Termination of Employment Contract with Foreign Domestic Helper (ID 407E)" form, and inform the Immigration Departmentwithin 7 days before the contract expires.
    Confirm with your helper the final day of work and her day of departure from Hong Kong.

    To terminate the FDH employment contract, usually, you'll have to pay the following entitlements: 1. Outstanding wages 2. Payment in lieu of notice, if any 3. Payment in lieu of untaken annual leaves 4. Long service payment/severance payment, if any 5. Flight ticket to the place of origin via the most direct route 6. Other fees that are required by...

    Usually, laying off a helper is everybody's last resort. Before officially dismissing her, consider the following questions:

    First, consider asking for help from a domestic helper center. Generally-speaking, if this is your first time hiring a helper and dismissing her because of her poor job performance, certain centers will not recharge you or a part of the fee will be waived. Read on for several additional precautions to take and their solutions:

    The Employment Ordinance stipulates that the employer cannot end the employment contract under the following circumstances: 1. She is taking paid sick leave 2. She was injured 3. She is pregnant 4. She belongs to or has joined a union

    With over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry, Kwiksure provides a wide spectrum of policies, including domestic helper insurance. We provide outpatient and inpatient coverage for your helper, while protecting you against liabilities. Contact our teamof expert insurance advisors today for impartial advice and a free plan comparison!

  3. 無索償折扣 (NCD/NCB) 解釋. 顧名思義,無索償折扣即是當保單持有人過去一段時間內(以年計)不曾索償,保險公司就會在下年續保時,提供相應百分比的保費折扣,通常是 20% - 60%。. 無索償折扣全名是 No Claims Discount,是汽車保險所特有的,後來也應用於其他 ...

  4. 2022年5月11日 · 此外,家居保險有時也會賠償家中發生事故而住院時的收入損失,甚至包括在家中離世時的一筆過賠償。 在某些情況下,家居保險甚至可以延伸到家居以外。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  5. 2020年12月24日 · 快而保並不會就上述資訊任何部份的準確性及是否適時而負責。. 作者 Kwiksure 團隊. 快而保 (Kwiksure) 是持牌汽車保險經紀公司,擁有逾 20 年的豐富保險經驗, 致力將保險化繁為簡,為客人挑選最符合預算及保障範圍的保險計劃。. 快而保提供一系列的保險產品 ...

  6. P牌車保減保費方法一、等甩 P 拎正式牌. 第一種就是等到你持有正式駕照達兩年才購買汽車保險。. 換言之,如果你剛剛才成為 P牌司機,你一共要等候三年才可以減低車保保費--先等一年獲得正式駕照,再多等兩年你就不會被視為「經驗不足」的司機,避免 ...