雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 邦民Promise 易借易還 即時解決財務需要 您的私人貸款公司首選 邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司自1992年在香港營業,一直為客戶提供易借易還的私人貸款服務。邦民香港傳承母公司於日本多年在授信管理、債權管理、營運管理和市場管理等各方面財務行業的知識及經驗,成立專業貼心貸款公司,為 ...

  2. 邦民香港的優勢 - 值得信賴 邦民香港是日本三大的大型銀行集團之一:井住友金融集團(SMFG)的集團成員。 作為集團的海外子公司,邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司貫徹集團的服務理念,致力提供適合的財務支援以及靈活的私人貸款方案,與客戶建立信賴關係,成為客戶理想的財務好幫手。

  3. Promise offers a variety of loan products for different financial issues. You can apply online without showing up. Learn more and find the optimum plan now. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84

  4. If your account type is under "revolving", the credit would still be retained even if your loan is repaid. If you want to apply for a loan, you can click here to apply through the member zone or dial our 24-hour Member Hotline, 3199 1111 or visit any Promise branches.

    • What Are Financial Intermediaries?
    • The Common Tricks of Unscrupulous Financial Intermediaries
    • Be Cautious to Avoid Being Scammed

    Financial intermediaries are not real financial institutions, but third-party institutions acting as agents who help people to apply for lower interest rate loans in exchange for the handling fee from financial institutions. Unscrupulous financial intermediaries charge the applicants steep handling fees with the excuse of offering financial assessm...

    Unscrupulous financial intermediaries collect personal data from illegal means and phone scam their targets. Here are a few common tricks they use: 1. Claim they can help to apply for loans with a low interest rate and low criterion, with the promise of "no charge without result". This method lures people with financial difficulties into borrowing ...

    The safest way to not fall prey to unscrupulous financial intermediaries is borrowing money from licensed money lenders with good credibility, such as Promise. Financial institutions with a money lender's license number are regulated by the government, which protects the consumers. The personal loan plans of Promise offer annual percentage rates as...

  5. 「財務中介」是甚麼? 財務中介並非真正的財務公司,而是通過代理申請低息貸款,向財務機構換取相應手續費的第三方角色。 而不良財務中介公司,就會藉口提供財務評估或代辦私人貸款,向申請收取中介費用,甚至誘騙他們於其他財務公司一再申請貸款「債冚債」,並簽下合約獲取多次收費,其中急需借錢套現或信貸紀錄欠佳人士更特別容易成為目標。 不良財務中介慣用手法. 不良貸款中介公司會從不法途徑取得市民個人資料,再致電給鎖定目標進行詐騙。 然而這些不良中介的手法,其實不外乎是以下常用招數: 訛稱可協助以寬鬆條款申請低息貸款,並標榜「不成功不收費」,對所選目標,尤其是對於本身已有借貸需要的人士等進行利誘。 冒充律師事務所或會計師事務所,以提供如改善信貸紀錄、債務重組、會計意見等服務為藉口,詐騙大額顧問費。

  6. 貸款小貼士|於一線、二線財務借貸有何分別?. 向二線財務借錢又好唔好?. 借之前要睇清楚. 假如您的財務狀況不佳,又或者信貸評級評分較低,大型財務公司及銀行較難批出貸款。. 需要貸款的您,這時候可能會聽到別人提起二線財務/貸款,但您又真的了解 ...

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