雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在生鮮食品方面,也是會產生同樣的質疑,如果是經過多個地點飼養的狀況,只須標示出最長的地方為產地,消費者還是無法判斷是「純」日本國產,還是「混」日本國產。. 經過這次海瓜子事件,或許部分消費者會更注重,是否產品從頭到尾都是日本產的 ...

  2. Step 2|別被相片給 啦!「平面圖」才能保證大小及安全 大家選擇旅館的時候,切記不要太心急,就算價格再便宜,至少必須確認客房內的狀況是否真的符合自己的需求。在訂房網站上訂房,有的照片只有床鋪、有的只有從窗外看出去的景色、有的還 ...

  3. 2017年1月26日 · 10 Japanese Business Etiquette Rules. There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before ...

  4. 2020年1月10日 · Ghosn was awaiting trial in Japan on charges of financial misconduct. He stated from Lebanon late last year that Japan's justice system was unfair, and that he was a victim of political persecution. He gave a press conference to in Beirut on January 8, 2020, but there is still a fair amount of mystery surrounding the whole affair.

  5. 今天我們要造訪的這家造酒廠,名為 泰石酒造 ,位於沖繩中部的URUMA市,除了是全日本最南端的造酒廠之外,還是沖繩唯一一家清酒製造地。. 泰石酒造的主打產品名叫 黎明 ,光同一款酒就有好幾個種類,度數大多在十幾度,價格則從1,000日元到幾千日元不等 ...

  6. 2017年10月16日 · Apologies: Gomen-nasai & Sumimasen. Here we have the two classic apologies in Japanese: gomen-nasai ("I'm sorry") and sumimasen ("Excuse me"). As you might gather from the context in the video above, gomen-nasai tends to be more casual, and is used among friends, whereas the more formal sumimasen is more appropriate for use with strangers and ...

  7. 2018年7月4日 · 相信阅遍日剧日影以及各种番剧的同学们都不会对日本那些大大小小的神社感到陌生。其实,神社是日本文化中,一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。不管是学生时代祈求考上理想的学校,长大后情窦初开,暗暗许下心愿,盼望一段美好姻缘,又或是祝愿家人,朋友拥有健康的身体和顺利的人生,神社 ...

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