雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Bring me far away. Take me to your heart. Take me to your soul. Give me your hand and hold me. Show me what love is. Be my guiding star. It's easy take me to your heart. Dtanding on a mountain high. Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky.

  2. 作詞:Michael Learns to Rock. 作曲:李健. In that misty morning. when I saw your smiling face. You only looked at me and I was yours. But when I turned around. you were nowhere to be seen. You had walked away and closed the door. When will I see you again.

  3. Here I Am 作詞:葛大為 作曲:陳又齊/JerryC (合唱) Here I Am…. Here I Am… x4 (阿弟) 約一個地方不用聽從時間 在這個空間音樂還是音樂 我們已到齊連你也算在內 (Toro) Here I Am (坤達) 指令一到位生成我的無限 準備好表現成為你的能源 綵排無數遍你在才.

  4. 芬蘭距離 作詞:蔡健雅 作曲:蔡健雅 編曲:蔡健雅 Do you believe that That love can be found In every one of us Heal our wounded hearts Can you imagine That I could be the one To tu.

  5. 擁抱我. Touch me now. 觸摸我. I don't want to live without you. 我不想沒有你而活下去. Nothing's gonna change my love for you. 對你的愛永遠不變. You ought know by now how much I love you. 現在,你應該明白我有多麼愛你.

  6. You silenced the boast, of sin and grave. The heavens are roaring. The praise of Your glory. For You are raised to life again. You have no rival, You have no equal. Now and forever, God You reign. Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the glory. Yours is the Name, above all names. What a powerful Name it is.

  7. 周興哲( Eric Chou ) 歌詞 周興哲(英文名:Eric Chou,1995年6月22日-),出生於台灣的華語流行音樂創作歌手,其兄周予天亦為歌手。11歲時到美國波士頓留學 ,18歲回國。擅長彈奏古典鋼琴及音樂創作,個人興趣則為籃球和冰上曲棍球。因為被星探挖掘

  1. 其他人也搜尋了