雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 成功案例. 生活需要靈活,邦民貸款適用於大專學生,助大學生渡過一時難關。. 先生. 20歲,大專生. 有關大專學生貸款的資訊,最初是從中學的師兄口中得知。. 他分享自己中學至大學的心路歷程,當中一句令我頗有印象,他說「現實生活是殘酷的,以往在 ...

  2. The Personal Loan service of Promise is quick and easy. Promise is a well-known and trusted loan provider in Hong Kong. Apply online and get approved now!

  3. Debt consolidation loan is available at different financial institutions, it helps you pay off all of your existing credit card loans with reduced total interest payment amount and time when comparing settlement of minimum payment only.

  4. Promise low-interest debt consolidation loans help you out with a plan to clear all debts effectively, which allows you to consolidate your debts into one loan and clear your credit card bills in one go. With this loan, you'll be able to pay your credit card bills in advance at a lower monthly repayment amount and save on interest expenses.

  5. 香港地寸金呎土,難得擁有屬於自己的安樂窩,當然會想悉心粉飾一番! 但公屋始終歸房屋署所有,裝修時有什麼事情要注意呢? 公屋裝修價錢又是多少呢? 本文將會先解答一些公屋裝修常見問題,再按300呎裝修價錢至400呎裝修價錢提供價錢概覽,方便大家作出預算參考! 常見問題一:有指定的裝修承辦商嗎? 房屋署有設立「裝修承辦商參考名單指引」,當中的裝修承辦商經過房屋署審查,具有一定的信心保證,包括: 最少5年的裝修經驗要求. 公司可動用的銀行結餘不少於240萬. 在過去三年,每年進行的裝修工程總值不少於320萬. 在過去三年至少承辦一份價值不少於64萬元的工程合約. 擁有一間具相當規模的正式工場/商鋪/辦事處/營業地點.

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