雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  2. 請透過官方應用程式商店或中銀香港網站下載BoC Pay流動應用程式,並注意搜尋關鍵字(“BoC Pay”)。 iPhone用戶請透過App Store網上商店下載BoC Pay;Android用戶可透過Google Play、華為應用市場或中銀香港網站下載BoC Pay。

  3. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

  4. Enroll now for BOCHK mobile banking service and enjoy convenient and secure banking anytime, anywhere. Download the app today.

  5. 中銀香港的自動轉賬收款服務協助企業以最低成本迅速處理本地收款交易你可透過不同渠道遞交收款檔案並下載有關交易結果的電子檔讓你核對交易更輕鬆快捷

  6. Even if you are trading on an open account basis, you can obtain financing from us by presenting your supplier's invoice. Our Trade Services Centre is located at 9/F Bank of China Centre, Olympian City, 11 Hoi Fai Road, West Kowloon Hong Kong (Business hotline: (852) 3988 2288). Reminder: To borrow or not to borrow?

  7. 4) 申請人(等)請於遞交本貸款申請表前審閲「按揭貸款授信的一般條款」及隨附「住宅按揭貸款產品資料概要」。 申請人 ( 等 ) 可在本行網站 「主頁 > 更多 > 服務 / 產品條款及細則 > 貸款及按揭」下載並儲存「按揭貸款授信的一般條款」及「住宅按揭貸款產品資料概要」。