雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  2. BOCHK is one of the largest banks in Hong Kong with comprehensive RMB cross-border products and services. We are a China market custody expertise with full range of global custody services across the globe covering over 70 markets. Our wide range of assets servicing solutions will help you create a better efficiency in managing your securities ...

  3. 中國銀行(香港)有限公司百年行慶,向公眾展示其百年歷史、百年鈔票和百年貢獻。網站介紹了中銀香港發展沿革、紀念鈔票設計和發行、以及慈善珍藏版紀念鈔票競投活動。歡迎瀏覽網站,了解中銀香港百年故事,感受百年榮耀。

  4. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  5. Custody and Trust Services BOCHK is one of the major banking groups in Hong Kong. Our full range of global custody service solutions will help you maximize the return on your capital in a fast changing market. Our services include:

  6. 中國銀行(香港)誠意送您一張互動電子賀卡,恭賀聖誕及新年! Season's Greetings from BOCHK, click to see the interactive e-Card!

  7. 愛.護.家 中銀集團人壽保險有限公司(「中銀人壽」)家傳戶曉終身壽險計劃 / 家傳戶曉終身壽險計劃 (享逸版)(「本計劃」)提供終身人壽保障同時助您累積財富。為切合您人生歷程中不同需要,本計劃特別於人生重要階段加強人壽保障,保護您與摯愛安然渡過人生每步,讓您無後顧之憂 ...