雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The registration of personalized vehicle registration marks in HK. In order to prove that your vehicle is roadworthy, drivers in Hong Kong are all required to register and license their cars before they can hit the road. Even though the procedures are not very complicated, new drivers may still need some time to figure out the details.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 港車北上計劃簡介. 「港車北上」計劃讓香港私家車司機毋須申請「常規配額」,都可以以自駕遊的方式經港珠澳大橋到廣東省作短暫公務、探親或旅遊。. 計劃規定司機每次的逗留時間不可超過 30 天,而每年在內地累計逗留不得超過180天。.

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Different Schemes For Driving to Macao and Zhuhai
    • Cover Limits of The Three Jurisdictions
    • More Guides and Useful Information

    This section is subdivided into two parts, depending on whether you are going to Macao or Zhuhai. Basically, there are two options for going to Macao via HZMB, namely the Park-and-Ride Scheme and the Quota Scheme. As for Zhuhai, you will have to obtain a special permit to visit Zhuhai via the bridge. Our infographic serves as a valuable tool that g...

    In this part, we list out the requirements of coverage limits in the three places so that you can ascertain your insurance cover limit is adequate enough to protect you in the event of a car accident. One special point to note is that, even if you are only driving from Hong Kong to Macao, you will have to acquire a valid Mainland China motor insura...

    In a nutshell, supplemented with detailed and clearly written resources, this infographic serves as a useful tool that showcases all the essential steps Hong Kong private car drivers should undertake before crossing the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB). Go ahead and download the infographic HERE. Dedicated to simplifying insurance, Kwiksure pub...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  3. 2023年12月18日 · 隨著愈來愈多人 港車北上 自駕遊,甚至移居到內地生活。 除了 回鄉證 ,內地駕照(內地駕駛證)的確帶來不少方便,而擁有香港駕駛執照的香港居民也可以免試換領內地駕照。 今次快而保便為大家講解換領內地駕照的詳情,包括申請程序、身體條件與文件要求及換領地點等。 另外,也會分享如何將實體內地駕照轉換為電子版本,萬一遺失也不用花時間補領。 延伸閱讀: 【2023 港車北上懶人包】港車北上計劃通關申請|點轉內地牌|抽籤貼士|買內地車保須知|兩地通關流程|必知抽籤日期(10月10日更新! 【港車北上】汽車美容、維修攻略|3招搵啱心水車房|兩地收費一覽. 【電動車港車北上】北上電動車四大伏位+解決方法 (充電轉插、搵充電站、搵泊車位、撞車處理) 免試換內地駕照:換領資格.

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  4. 綜合汽車保險 (全保) 綜合保險的額外優點包括(但不限於)下列各項保障: 無索償折扣(NCD)保障 – 保障年度內即使曾經有索償紀錄,續保時依然可以使用原有無索償折扣。相關索償必須沒有涉及第三者傷亡,以及索賠金額不高於投保額之15%。 投保車輛之擋風玻璃損毀,維修或更換的索償金額少於$5000 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  5. 2019年7月11日 · 了解高齡司機車保價錢. 上述貼士有助高齡司機保持安全,香港法例規定所有司機必須購買第三者保險。. 但市面上有眾多保險可供選擇,這時候你就需要一家像快而保般的汽車保險經紀。. 我們的專員擁有多年豐富經驗,為高齡司機尋找合適的第三者保險(三保 ...

  6. 2013年10月29日 · 北上自駕遊:內地汽車保險保額忌過低. 隨著中港兩地的經濟和文化交流日益頻繁過境交通的需求亦不斷提升早於去年三月香港政府便與廣東省政府合作推行俗稱中港自駕遊或粵港自駕遊的過境私家車一次性特別配額試驗計劃。. 此計劃容許符合 ...

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