雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 樂意僱傭中心 相關

  2. 35年經驗,精選純樸、健康的菲傭、印傭、斯里蘭卡傭大量在港完約工人,開工快. 35年專業仲介海外或現成印傭、泰傭,孟加拉傭,港式家政及粵語訓練,信譽良好.


  1. 申請流程. 一、 攜帶以下文件至離住處最近的公共職業安定所ハローワーク (Hello Work),確認申請資格及失業津貼登記。 ① 離職票. ② 雇用保險被保險者證. ③ 印章. ④ 身分證件 (在留卡等) ⑤ 證件照兩張(3x2.5 cm) ⑥ 銀行帳戶存摺. 「離職票」與「雇用保險被保險者證」可向公司索取。 公司有義務給離職員工,若索取困難可與ハローワーク諮詢。 https://pixta.jp/photo/37379658. 二、 參加雇用保險給付說明會. 說明會上會詳細解說領取津貼相關注意事項,近年因疫情影響,多數ハローワーク已取消說明會,改為自行線上觀看影片。 三、 於「失業認定日」前往ハローワーク. 失業認定日是為了確認失業者是否有進行求職活動。

  2. 2019年3月18日 · Pensions in Japan can be confusing. Even for long-term residents, it’s hard to be sure who has to contribute, how much you have to pay, when you can receive benefits and how much you can get back if you leave Japan. We’ve prepared a basic pension guide to help you out! What is Nenkin?

  3. 2023年11月30日 · How to Get a Working Holiday Visa for Japan. Ashley Owen Updated November 30, 2023. Life in Japan FAQ Working in Japan Japan 101. pixta.jp. If you’re interested in visiting Japan for longer than the three months allowed by the standard tourist visa, why not apply for a working holiday visa?

  4. 2017年12月4日 · Here are the actual requirements to become a citizen of Japan. A person must meet the following conditions: • Having continuously had a domicile in Japan for five years or more; • Being 20 years of age or more and having the capacity to act according to his/her national law; • Being a person of good conduct; • Being able to make a ...

  5. 2017年2月24日 · 1. 不动产中介. 在某些国家,租客是可以直接跟房东沟通房产以至签合同的,中间完全不需要仲介人,也不用额外花一笔钱付给中间环节。 但在规制繁复的日本,找房时通过仲介是必须的,有时候如果中间环节上,没有带有正规合法牌照的仲介人介入的话, 连租约都是不能成立的。 在日本,比较知名的大型不动产公司有Suumo, Home's, Chintai 跟 Minimini这几家。 最新的房产资讯,目前都会被第一时间放在线上供用户检索。 大家可以亲自登录这些中介公司的官网,细细筛选出自己中意的房产,然后线下联系中介人员。 2. 保证人. 房东为了保障自己在租客不交租金的情况下依然能规避损失,不同国家会选择不同的做法。

  6. 2019年3月18日 · The design industry is still relatively young and new in Japan compared to other places in the world. So there are a lot of chances to teach others about the value of design and what designers can bring to a business. As a designer, you have the opportunity to make big changes in companies that are used to outsourcing design work and can act as ...

  7. 2018年6月14日 · A one-day use costs ¥2,000 (about US$18), but there are several plans available for monthly uses. They also have larger spaces available for 3-hour rentals for ¥45,000 (about US$407), which are perfect for large work events like parties or workshops. Coworker.com is a great resource for finding office spaces similar to Co-ba.

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