雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 標籤打印機淘寶 相關

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  1. 沾水鋼筆書法班 (Copperplate) $ 1,800.00. 沾水鋼筆書法班 (Copperplate)內容:. 利用書法鋼尖學習書寫Copperplate (銅板體)大小楷,課程分4堂,老師會由淺入深逐一解說基本筆劃及字母骨架,訓練學生在課堂及功課中練習單字與連接字母,令學生在學習過程中更易明白 ...

  2. Book-keeping Level 1. $ 490.00 – $ 1,390.00. Course Content:. This course is designed to prepare students for the LCCI Level 1 Certificate in Bookkeeping examination. Cantonese will be used as the medium of instruction provided with English learning materials specially written for the exam. Including (1) The accounting equation ; (2) Double ...

    • 7
    • $490 - $1,390
  3. 課程目標:. 課程為學員了解及應用電腦辦公室軟件Microsoft進階功能和特性,包括Word, Excel 和 PowerPoint。. 課程大綱. Word. 段落格式:字元間距、行距及固定行高;浮水印;表格計算;插入簡單目錄及多層次目錄,目錄導覽; 合併列印信件、信封、標籤;. 頁首頁 ...

  4. 學費資助 僱員再培訓局的通用技能培訓課程及「新技能提升計劃」課程學費,乃根據學員獲編班時的收入狀況來釐定,並須提交課程開班日三個月內的入息文件以茲證明。而學費類別主要分為下列三種情況: 申請豁免繳費資格(失業人士(包括待業及失學)及低收入人士(每月入息*為$11,000或以下))

  5. Book-keeping And Accounting Level 2. $ 2,150.00 $ 1,800.00. Course Content:. This course is designed to prepare students for the LCCI Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping and Accounting examination. Cantonese will be used as the medium of instruction provided with English learning materials specially written for the exam.