雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 保障健康生活方式 1: 培養健康生活好習慣. 培養良好生活習慣為健康生活打好基礎,可參考以下由香港特別行政區政府衛生署建議的5大要點: 養成規律的運動習慣. 運動有助控制體重,強健骨骼、肌肉與關節,更有助減低患上各種長期病的風險。 保持個人衛生. 良好的個人衛生習慣可減低被細菌、病毒感染的機會,有效預防疾病。 均衡飲食吸收足夠的營養. 各類食物包含不同營養價值,而身體不能從單一食物中得到全部所需營養素,故均衡飲食可滿足身體所需。 充足且有質素的睡眠. 成年人 (包括長者)每天應睡約7至8小時,長期睡少於7小時或睡眠質素欠佳者,會增加患上糖尿病等不同疾病的風險。 經常保持輕鬆愉快的心境.

  2. 此個人意外保險提供全方位人身意外保障,包括因意外引致死亡或永久傷殘的意外保險賠償及醫療保障。 備有兩大計劃,提供不同意外保險賠償額度,助你省卻作意外保險比較的時間。

  3. If you would like to enjoy the New Fund Time Deposit Offer, please place the related Time Deposit during the transaction time. For Phone Banking, the transaction time is Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm and Saturday 9am to 12:55pm; Sunday, Hong Kong public holidays and holidays of where the currency is issued would be closed.

  4. 可一目了然預覽不同還款期之預先批核金額,助你快速選擇適合你的還款計劃. 2. 快捷比較不同計劃. 讓你輕鬆比較6-60個月還款計劃之每月還款額、手續費和手續費回贈. 3. 個人化計算機. 透過您可承擔的每月還款額計算出最適合您的套現金額. 4. 獲享更佳優惠建議. 提供賺取更多手續費回贈或更低手續費的建議. 了解詳情. 仲未體驗e-Banking? 立即登記! 備註: 客戶是否為特選客戶可登入個人e-Banking或致電2998 6868查詢。詳情請參閱「現金分期」計劃之條款及細則第1, 2 及4項 。 每月手續費0.18%只適用於個別之特選客戶及獲批核之現金分期金額達指定要求及只供參考,手續費將根據恒生不時就個別推廣而釐定。

  5. Manage your money with ease. No matter when or where, you can log on to Hang Seng Personal e-Banking via your smartphone or computer to enjoy one-stop online banking services. Register now to manage your finances and enjoy various bank offers at your fingertips. Register now.

  6. An example of “vulnerable customer” includes an investor with disability (ies) affecting his/her investment decisions (e.g. visually impaired). Other examples include those fulfilling of one or more of the following criteria, coupled with the lack of investment experience: You may check the remarks for more details of the criteria [1]. You ...

  7. Get up-to-date foreign currency exchange rates and conduct exchange rate conversions easily. Enjoy up to 6.9% p.a. 1-month time deposit rate for designated currencies exchange and earn stable interest return. Exchange designated currency and set up 1-month time deposit at the same time to enjoy this offer. FX involves risk.

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