雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 電子單張供持牌人向客戶解釋《打擊洗錢條例》要求取得客戶身分證明文件及備存副本作紀錄 E-leaflet for licensees to explain to customers about the AMLO’s requirement of obtaining customers’ identity document and keep a copy for record

  2. a. 代理人未獲授權的行為通常是超越他真實權限的行為。. 例如,獲賣方授權以指定樓價與買方建立協議的地產代理,若以低於指定樓價與買方達成協議,便是未獲授權的行為。. 因此,代理人一般須嚴格遵守代理協議的條款以避免做出未獲授權的行為。. b. 一般 ...

  3. (30 October 2020) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Ms Elaine LIU Yuk-ling, JP (photo attached) to succeed Professor William LEUNG Wing-cheung, SBS, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 1 November 2020.

  4. 在香港,業主普遍會透過地產代理將物業出租。. 以下是透過地產代理及律師樓出租物業的實務與程序。. 1. 業主透過地產代理將物業放租。. 2. 租客透過地產代理物色適合物業。. 3. 業主及租客透過地產代理就租賃物業的基本條款商議,如每月租金、租賃期限 ...

  5. (3 August 2022) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Mr Simon SIU Chak-yu, BBS, JP to succeed Ms Elaine LIU, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 29 July 2022.

  6. Press Release. EAA appoints Ms Ruby Hon as new CEO. (27 May 2014) The Estate Agents Authority (EAA) today announced the appointment of Ms Ruby Hon Yuen-ping as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with effect from 1 June 2014.

  7. 營業員資格考試時間表. 有關即將舉行的考試的報名詳情,請瀏覽本網站「報名詳情及報名後的事宜」部份. 查詢電話. 地產代理監管局:2111 2777. 職業訓練局高峰進修學院考試中心:2919 1467 / 2919 1468 / 2919 1478.

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