雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 好戲連場上映,著數連環不停! 依家憑Citi信用卡喺超過50間戲院網購戲飛,可享 8折 優惠,用埋獨家嘅 Citi Pay with Points,睇戲隨時唔使畀錢,依家憑指定Citi信用卡更可享兌換優惠!提提您 Shopping完想睇返信用卡簽賬紀錄? 唔洗等月尾statement喇,登入Citi ...

  2. 立即申請專享環球獎賞. Citi Pay with Points憑分消費服務 (「本服務」) 適用於花旗銀行 (香港)有限公司 (「花旗銀行」) 所發行的Citi 普通卡,Citi 金卡,Citi HKTVmall信用卡,Citi Rewards 信用卡 (Citi Rewards銀聯信用卡除外),Citi PremierMiles 信用卡,Citi Plus® 信用卡,Citi ...

  3. 常見問題. 下載應用程式常見問題. 安卓用家安裝守則 (只限無法使用Google Play) 安卓安裝檔 (APK)下載地址. https://www.citibank.com.hk/english/mbol/app/Citibank_HK.apk. 安裝步驟: 選擇 “系統設定“ > “標準” > “應用程式與通知”> “特殊存取” >”安裝未知應用程式 ...

  4. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...

  5. STRUCTURED PRODUCTS. Grasp investment opportunities in different market conditions. Structured product is an instrument embedded with derivative, under which the return is determined by reference to changes in the price, value and/or level of one or more underlying references.

  6. 簡化轉賬交易步驟. 一App喺手就可以隨時隨地轉賬同找卡數. 全面掌握財富狀況. 股票交易、實時外匯、投資基金,同您捉緊每個市場機遇. Citi Mobile® 流動保安編碼. 隨時隨地取得「一次性密碼」為交易作雙重認證.

  7. 最新信用卡優惠. 用Citi積分兌換The Point積分 於指定新地商場當錢使!. %body%. 儲埋啲Citi積分點用至夠抵?. 仲使諗,梗係用嚟兌換The Point積分!. 除咗可以換成 Point Dollar,. 喺The Point 25個新地商場1吃喝購物當錢使之餘,更可以用嚟換其他心禮品!.