雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 學習日語的過程當然少不了教課書,但即使學會教科書上所教的基礎日文,又或是通過日本語檢定N1合格,就不代表可以應付日常生活所需用語。如果你曾覺得從教科書上學到的單字用在日常生活上很生硬的話,不妨跟著小編一起來學習,日本人在實際生活中經常會用到的幾個詞彙吧。相信等你學會 ...

  2. 2016年7月29日 · Kongo Gumi still holds a 3-meter (9.8 ft) scroll dating back to the 17th century, detailing the family history for 40 generations, all the way back to the year 578. Founded over 1,400 years ago, Kongo Gumi is a Japanese temple-building company that's responsible for a number of the most famous structures in the Kansai area.

  3. 2016年12月16日 · Anime Your Name passes Princess Mononoke on all-time Japanese box office list, is now at number 3. Makoto Shinkai’s Your Name is about to do something no non-Ghibli anime has ever done. The Makoto Shinkai film 'Your Name' now trails 'Frozen' in terms of Japanese earnings and is actually picking up momentum at the box office even months after ...

  4. 在TBS日劇《打扮的戀愛是有理由的(日語:着飾る恋には理由があって)》中,男主角藤野駿(橫濱流星飾)是個只在自己喜好時間內開著帥氣餐車提供美味咖哩的料理人,曾是法式餐廳大廚的他,在餐車中也備有完善料理機台,不論到哪工作都能提供品質如一的產品。 隨著新冠肺炎(COVID-19)延燒,有著各種特色塗裝、造型,看來相當帥氣的餐車,在日本街頭已相當常見! 過往在日本大都會區想要品嚐熱騰騰的即食料理,選擇大多侷限於大型活動時的臨時餐車,或章魚燒等變化有限的餐點。 今日想把美味料理以「快速」送到顧客面前的料理人愈來愈多,不論是有著開業夢想的業者更致力於凸顯「餐車」的魅力值,餐車本身「初期投資低、開業門檻低」、「一個人也能對應接客」等特徵,更讓餐車文化再度掀起風潮! 移動販售V.S行動餐車.

  5. 2018年8月17日 · For many, freelance language teaching jobs are the cream of the crop, offering flexibility and comfort unlike any other. But finding students can be a challenge without the right resources. Here are five solid options to get you started!

  6. 2021年11月9日 · Of course, a washoku menu is dominated by fish and seafood. Ironically, I grew up disliking all of it— perhaps the unfortunate result of living far away from the ocean. That changed the first time I tried seafood in Japan, a country that enjoys the rich bounty of the nearby seas all year round. Now I eat fish and seafood several times a week.

  7. 2019年3月18日 · Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. everyday (no holidays). Access: Take bus 101 or 205 from JR Kyoto Station. - www.shokoku-ji.jp (Japanese) 2. Arashiyama Bamboo Forest. https://flic.kr/p/D6Muu7. A quick train ride away from downtown Kyoto will take you to the bamboo groves of Arashiyama.

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