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    2023's Best Sunset Beach Hotels of 2023. Boutique Romantic Designer Hotels. Hotels. Accommodation. Inns. B&Bs. Resorts. All Inclusive. Family Friendly.


  1. 2023年11月22日 · 在都會景致中小嘗海泳樂趣. 與附近的湘南海岸、三浦半島相比,東京灣的水質略顯遜色。 因此除了「葛西海濱公園」的海水浴場,基本上東京灣禁止游泳。 這座鄰近「東京迪士尼度假區」的海灘,會視水質於夏季開放游泳。 若想更盡興地游泳與享受衝浪樂趣,建議可以考慮前往鎌倉、江之島、逗子與森戶的海灘。 上述地點距離東京都心僅需1、2小時的車程。 便利的設施. 「台場海水浴場」與「葛西海濱公園」的海水浴場內都設有廁所、淋浴間及洗腳處,在沙灘上度過悠閒時光後還能好好梳洗一番,「葛西海濱公園」更設有更衣室。 請留意海灘地區周邊設施及遊樂器材的開放期間不一,並非所有戶外設施都會開放營業。 即便如此,不論是哪個季節,海灘都是前往悠閒散步、遠眺東京的好地方。 此外,這裡也很適合帶著小朋友出遊。 其他魅力特點.

  2. Onsen & Bathhouses. After a long day touring Tokyo, it’s time to unwind with a relaxing bath. Join the locals in one of the city’s numerous public baths. You’ll come out refreshed, relaxed, and rejuvenated. Though numbers have dwindled in recent years, there are still many public baths to be found around city.

    • The Best Beaches
    • An Island of Adventure
    • Wild, Rugged Hot Springs

    While neighboring Niijima Island may have better beaches for surfing, Shikinejima is the undisputed champion when it comes to picture-perfect, family-friendly beaches. Tomari Beachis perhaps the most popular with white sand and calm, turquoise waters. Out of season, you will need to buy food and drink to take with you from one of the island stores,...

    Covered with dense forest and rocky outcrops, there is plenty to explore on the island. While it is possible to get to most places on foot in less than an hour, renting a bike from one of the various bike rental stores is the most effective way to see the island. For stunning views of the coastline, head to Kambiki Observatory. From there, you can ...

    Shikinejima's all natural hot springs are one of the highlights of a trip to the island. The most wild and rugged of the hot springs require that you pay attention to the tide and time your visit carefully. At low tide, the iron-rich water of Jinata Onsen which bubbles up into seafront rock pools is scalding hot. As the tide comes in, however, seaw...

  3. 2023年7月5日 · 大島. 伊豆大島是東京最大的島嶼,其中心處有座活火山,走在海岸旁就能欣賞到令人震撼的獨特地形。 周邊海水清澈且水深足夠,相當適合從事潛水與浮潛活動,潛到海裡可以欣賞到繽紛多彩的魚類及海洋植物。 大島. ©Oshima Navi. 新島東側的羽伏浦海岸擁有全長6.5公里的白沙灘,作為享譽全球的衝浪聖地,吸引了不少國外專業衝浪客到此朝聖。 在島上除了玩風浪板與釣魚外,也能單純享受海水浴。 只要在海岸旁稍加探索,就會在島上海灘隨處可見利用當地岩石雕刻而成的奇妙摩艾石像。 新島. 式根島上盡是色彩繽紛的美麗景點,例如翡翠藍的海洋、潔白的沙灘,以及隱身在綠色森林中的健行步道等。 海岸邊用岩石圍起來的泳池其實是溫泉,因為岩石中富含的鐵質溶解至溫泉當中,泉水色澤甚至會呈現混濁橘色。

  4. 2022年10月19日 · The sunset from Nagahama Beach. The night sky of Kozushima, recognized as a Dark Sky Island. If you are staying at the Tako Bay campsite on the east side of the island, the most convenient beach is located next to Miura Port.

  5. DECKS Tokyo Beach是以船為主題的購物中心。 集結休閒設施及主題樂園,可以眺望東京灣的美景。 內有約80間專賣店,從高級設計師製品到經濟實惠的禮品,提供各式各樣的商品選擇。 結束購物後,千萬別錯過DECKS Tokyo Beach裡新穎的休閒設施。 有東京杜莎夫人蠟像館、東京樂高樂園探索中心、東京幻視藝術館,以及室內型遊樂場東京JOYPOLIS等。 夕陽西下時歡迎到戶外,以東京灣為背景,欣賞全年無休的DECKS Tokyo Beach燈飾。 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 台場海濱公園站百合海鷗線步行2分鐘. 網站. 東京南部. 台場. 關鍵詞. 夜晚景點. 夜景. 購物商場・百貨公司. 雨天也能暢玩. 點燈. 開放時間. 11:00~21:00.

  6. Sunset Cruise(Sealine Tokyo). Main content starts here. The cruise departs Hinode Pier, passes under Rainbow Bridge toward Odaiba and the Shinagawa and Oi terminals, and passes under Tokyo Gate Bridge. Enjoy the view of Tokyo and Haneda Airport along with French cuisine, Italian cuisine, a buffet, and more.

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