雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年1月23日 · In the Spring of 1689, Matsuo Basho—the most famous poet in Japanese history—embarked on a bold and dangerous journey into Japan’s Oku, the wild and ungoverned deep north. http://www20.big.or.jp/~ent/omoukoto/2003_9/zakkan_old22.htm.

  2. 廣大的日本九州有著獨自的文化,受氣候與土壤的恩惠更孕育出不少個性豐富的景觀,個性迥異的七縣的自然之美,更擁有著魅力肆溢的觀光資源。本篇網羅有16個九州絕景景點,同時根據行程參與的難易度,劃分成簡單、普通、困難三個階段,預計前往九州自由行的旅人,別忘了搭配那些景點為 ...

  3. 2018年12月27日 · Art Traditional Japan. www.spoon-tamago.com. Kirie (切り絵, literally "cut picture") is the Japanese art of paper-cutting. Variations of kirie can be found in cultures around the world, but the Japanese version is said to be derived from religious ceremonies and can be traced back to around the AD 700s.

  4. 2017年10月2日 · 从涩谷站的八公口出来,过了那条著名的人行道,在涩谷109百货左转,便是道玄坂了。涩谷是谷地,所以道路起伏。从百轩店往右转,不久就看到“狮子”的绿色招牌。 二战后,浅草、银座一代的名店纷纷迁址涩谷,店达百家,一时兴旺,就叫百轩店了。

  5. 2020年5月20日 · The Burger Born in Sasebo. This iconic burger was born in 1950, after U.S. forces stationed in Sasebo introduced the recipe for hamburgers to the locals. There are no set rules for the construction of a Sasebo Burger, however—in essence, it just needs to be made using ingredients from Sasebo. How representative is this burger?

  6. 圖:日光山輪王寺大猷院內裝飾華美的夜叉門 日光東照宮 1636年,第三代的德川將軍德川家光為祖父德川家康,也就是江戶時代(1603-1867)的初代將軍,興建了靈廟。他不惜重本大興土木,宮內每樣東西都比其他神社更大、更壯觀華麗,目的無非就是要強調德川家的勢力。

  7. 2018年3月2日 · Enjoy Sasebo’s historic buildings and symbolic landscapes from the window of the Umikaze, a luxury-cruiser-style sightseeing bus complete with multilingual audio guides! 3 Courses to Choose From! There are multiple different ways to enjoy a luxury cruise bus tour with Umikaze!