雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We are in a era where timely information is crucial. We ensure that information that is important to our clients and communities is communicated in a timely manner. The BoT has issued some Guidance on Giving Assistance to the Debtors Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. For more details, please click here for BoT guidelin.

  2. MPF FORMS AND DOCUMENTS. Opt-in/Opt-out Request Form in relation to Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme – “the Services”. Apply via SC Mobile app, online banking or download request form to provide consent to the Bank to receive your MPF account information. To include your MPF account balance under Manulife MPF Scheme* to the ...

  3. 2021年12月16日 · 渣打銀行為您提供多元化的理財服務,包括優先私人理財、 「優先理財」、「Premium理財」及Easy Banking。您可以在此網頁查閱各項服務的收費、條款及細則,並了解如何享受迎新優惠、現金回贈、里數獎賞等禮遇。

  4. This insurance is only valid for travel originating from Hong Kong. The Applicant must be aged 18 or above. The age of the Insured Person should be from 60 days to age 75. The maximum period covered is 90 days of single trip and 90 days per trip for annual cover. For single trip, no refund of premium will be allowed once the insurance is issued ...

  5. 2024年4月20日 · 了解更多. 輕鬆海外提款. 出外旅行,現金不能少. 想在海外使用提款卡,就要先啟動服務. 出發前設定每日提款限額. 現今全球一體化,人人每年或有多次外遊或出門公幹的機會。 人在外地,當然要食盡當地美食和四出觀光,回港前還要買手信給親友。 雖然信用卡在世界各地通行,但有時手持現金還是比較方便。 根據Zuji外遊指數,泰國是港人最喜愛的旅遊熱點之一。 遊泰國時必試的街頭小食,出入坐三輪車,都需要現金解決。 靈活使用海外自動櫃員機提款服務,就不需擔心外幣不夠用,或者換得太多要帶回香港。 您可以隨時提取所需要的金額。 出發前,記得啟動提款卡的海外提款服務。 在網上理財設定海外自動櫃員機每日提款限額,多一重保障,旅途上就更安心。 尚未成為我們的客戶?

  6. 2024年2月1日 · Standard Chartered Bank: Thai economy’s continued recovery momentum expected; financial markets in volatile mode; MPC’s hawkish move to start this quarter. Posted on 6 Jul 2022 in Press Releases. Prev. Keep up to date with business, banking, and finance news by following Standard Chartered Thailand's hub for the latest news and media ...

  7. 4 天前 · 請注意,處理申請的工作日並不包括星期六。. (B2) 外匯合約信息: 如果申請人已經為這筆匯款與本行洽議外匯合約,請填寫相關合約資料。. 個人客戶則毋需填寫此欄。. C. 收款人資料. (C1): SWIFT / Clearing Code: 此為收款銀行於電匯通訊中之識別代碼。. 如欲查詢收款 ...