雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 訪日外國人患病、受傷時的主要聯繫方式. 疾病,受傷時,請確認以下內容後,搜索醫療機構諮詢窗口或接受治療的醫療機構。. 請與 中登載的您所在都道府縣的諮詢窗口聯繫。. ※在非開設時間,請與厚生勞動省新冠感染症諮詢窗口聯繫。. (0120-565-653). 請根據 ...

  2. If the Japan Meteorological Agency expects a tsunami to cause any damage, it issues a warning approximately three minutes after an earthquake. When there is a strong or weak but long-lasting vibration, you should start evacuating. Also, do not evaluate the safety situation yourself but evacuate to a more elevated place regardless.

  3. This website provides international tourists in Japan with information about safe travel. Home In the event of an emergency Helpful Phrases The App “Safety tips”

  4. Safety tips for travelers. 首頁. 在發生緊急狀況時. 災害應急會話. 應用程式. 「Safety tips」. 首頁 >災害應急會話.

  5. 安全小助手(Safety tips)应用 面向外国游客,在灾害时提供帮助的应用(观光厅监修) 安全小助手(Safety tips)是面向外国游客,通过推送功能提供警报信息的应用。 本软件通过推送功能,以英语、日语、韩语、中文(繁体、简体)、越南语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、泰语、印度尼西亚语、塔加路语 ...

  6. 火山噴發警報、預報、火山噴發快報 氣象廳為減輕火山噴發時造成的災害,以日本全國110座活火山為指標,發布火山噴發警報、預報。另外亦會發表火山噴發快報,此快報用以迅速告知民眾火山噴發情況並呼籲盡速避難。

  7. With respect to availability of transportation, please note that schedules may be subject to change in the event of an emergency such as a disaster. Please refer to the information provided by the relevant business operators. In the event of an emergency such as a disaster, please check the website of the embassy of your country in Japan. The ...

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