雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. If you have a child under 11 years of age[@accounts-under-age-18], you can set up an HSBC Children Savings Account in your name for your children and kick-start their financial education with this account

  2. 如果您的子女未满11岁 [@accounts-under-age-18] ,您可以以您的名义为子女开立汇丰儿童储蓄账户, 藉开户为他们开启理财教育之门. 每个月与子女一同检视账户结单 ,藉以向他们解释基本理财概念如定期,提款、存款及利息等, 协助他们管理财富. 24/7掌握子女账户 ...

  3. 如你的子女未滿11歲 [@accounts-under-age-18] ,你可以以你的名義為子女開立滙豐兒童儲蓄戶口, 藉開戶為他們開啟理財教育之門. 每個月與子女一同檢視戶口結單 ,藉以向他們解釋基本理財概念如定期,提款、存款及利息等, 協助他們管理財富. 24/7掌握子女戶口動態 ...

  4. This product is a product of the Company but not HSBC and it is intended only for sale in the Hong Kong SAR. HSBC Life (International) Limited is incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability, and is one of the HSBC Group's insurance underwriting subsidiaries. Give your children a start in life by planning for their education, whether they ...

  5. 規劃子女的教育,不論是剛剛入學還是赴海外留學,為他們開啟人生最好的開端。. 香港滙豐. 財富管理. 教育. 想審視您的未來大計,看看您能否如期達成目標?. 就讓「Future Planner」幫您評估計劃,為您辨別哪些範疇需要多加注意。. 立即開始. 想了解您的投資 ...

  6. This plan combines life cover for your child with savings for their education. Set your savings goal as the insured amount and we'll help you stay on track. You can choose to let the plan mature when your child reaches 22 1, or withdraw cash early 2 to cover things like school fees or private tuition.

  7. 2 Foreword Every parent has a second career: planning the best possible education for their children as a springboard to a great future. The world, however, is changing. The spread of COVID -19 has forced months-long school closures on every continent and put