雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. 經常進行軟件更新。. 操作系統(最常見為Microsoft Windows)及其他程式(Adobe、Java等)凡出現欠穩妥的地方,網上不法分子都會快速「鎖定」。. 軟件製造商會定期發布更新,以修補這些保安漏洞。. 應安裝防火牆和防毒軟件,以防禦病毒和間諜軟件。. 大部分電腦 ...

  2. Spyware. Spyware is software that monitors and records your internet behaviour without your knowledge or consent. Some spyware may even redirect your internet session through its own server, allowing criminals to potentially extract your personal credentials such as your username, password and credit card numbers.

  3. 請提供戶口資料及一次性密碼確認身分。. 毋須再懷疑了,聽到這句說話,對方一定是騙徒。. 緊記,切勿向任何人透露戶口、信用卡資料和密碼等個人敏感資料。. 滙豐絕對不會在電話及電郵要求客戶提供用戶名稱及密碼等敏感資料 ,請主動查證及向我們核實 ...

  4. 如何分辨假冒來電?. 來電者可能自稱是滙豐或其他金融機構的職員,並可能會邀請您申請私人貸款或信用卡。. 如接到報稱來自知名金融機構的來電,務必加以核實。. 應嘗試向來電者索取更多資料:詢問他們所屬部門的名稱及辦公室電話號碼,以及他們是如何 ...

  5. 為免墮入同類騙案,您應該注意以下6大守則。. 1. 加強保安設定. WhatsApp和許多其他通訊軟件一樣設有「雙重驗證」功能,讓您設定一個6位PIN碼,加強賬戶安全。. 有時您需要輸入PIN碼,才能查看訊息。. 如果您想用另一個電話號碼註冊WhatsApp,也需要輸入這個 ...

  6. Life coverage of up to HKD5,000,000 1 and premiums as low as HKD8.23 2 per day. HSBC Term Protector is now available at our hotline (852) 2233 3130 only. If you’re interested in getting higher life protection with flexible additional benefits online, you can explore our newly launched term life insurance plan - HSBC Family Protector to get up ...

  7. Sorting out HSBC accounts. To move money out of the deceased’s accounts with HSBC. We try to keep this as simple as possible but there are some processes that we must follow. Therefore, to help you understand what to expect, we have summarised what would probably happen for different types of product or service held with us.

  1. 相關搜尋
