雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 全攻略. 提到海外留學,很多人都因為擔心言語不通、價錢昂貴、手續繁複等問題而卻步。 可是海外留學不但能豐富知識涵養,還能擴大世界觀,對成長大有裨益。 本文將列出海外留學的熱點與優勢以及申請學校的準備和流程一站式為大家解惑拓展人生閱歷! 海外留學熱點! 澳洲留學5大優勢. 根據QS 世界大學排名2024,澳洲有九間大學名列世界前100位,當中包括墨爾本大學、新南威爾斯大學、悉尼大學、澳洲國立大學等等,優異教學和研究品質可見一斑,難怪成為許多人心目中的留學首選! 除了教育水平,澳洲留學更有其他方面的優勢: 澳洲留學優勢一:安全友善的生活環境. 身為一個種族多元的國家,不論在飲食文化、節日慶典、生活模式上都極具包容度,加上當地人民友善熱情、治安良好,留學生大可安心生活。

  2. Our Tertiary Student Loan is specially designed for tertiary and university students in Hong Kong. You can easily take out loans at any time and deal with any financial problems in your college life. See Loan Offers Calculate Your Monthly Repayment. Tertiary Student Loan. Promise, Best Choice for Loans. No Supporting Documents Required.

  3. www.promise.com.hk › en › faqFAQ | Promise HK

    Browse all the FAQs to find out about the loan application and approval process, handling fees, settlement, revolving loan, and repayment. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively.

  4. www.promise.com.hk › en › careersJoin Us | Promise HK

    Full-time employees of Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Limited can enjoy the following benefits: Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Limited sincerely invites high calibre candidates to join us as: If anyone who is interested, please submit your application with resume (quoting reference number) by email or fax. Promise recruits talent through numerous channels ...

  5. 1. 預支薪金. 政府設有預支薪金機制,若果公務員因突發事故或意外,而導致意料不到的額外開支,可以向政府尋求協助,預支往後月份的薪金,以助解決資金周轉問題。 預支薪金後的還款機制,主要以分期攤還為基礎,於一定年期內從薪金扣除指定金額,以作還款用途。 若公務員在扣減款項完結之前離職,則需要立即連同有關利息在內,將未扣減的餘款一併清還。 而在上一次預支薪金後,尚未還清金額,則通常不獲准預支另一筆薪金。 詳情可參閱《公務員事務規例》第618至639條。 2. 員工濟急基金. 濟急基金一般為總薪級表第19點或以下薪酬的非紀律部隊人員以及第一標準薪級表的員工,提供應急經濟援助。 而符合以上資格的公務員,可以申請從基金撥出一筆款項作免息貸款,但總額不能超過港幣4,000元。

  6. Promise provides 24-hour quick and easy online loan services, allowing you to complete loan procedures anytime and anywhere. From application, to contract signing and fund transfer, the entire loan process can be completed on Promise's 24/7 online lending platform. You can even borrow money online late at night, or on weekends to solve your ...

  7. The interest of Promise's loan is calculated on a daily basis, and the interest shall be reduced together with the principal. After the deduction of interest payable, the remaining amount of the payment will be treated as part of the outstanding principal repayment.

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