雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月2日 · 走訪佐原,不能不認識這位精準描繪日本地圖的第一——人伊能忠敬。18 歲入贅佐原村伊能家的他,以卓越的商業頭腦,將伊能家的釀酒、醬油、水運、高利貸事業發揚光大,50 歲時將家督地位交給長子後,隔年前往江戶學習天文及測量,耗費 17 年時間帶領團隊走訪日本全國,共步行了 3.5 萬公里 ...

  2. 2024年4月22日 · 美术馆从2001年起开业至今,里面展示过许多吉卜力工作室作品的各类作品。. 吉卜力工作室正是宫崎骏奉献了其一生的地方,也是制作出了《天空之城》《龙猫》《魔女宅急便》,以及最近上映的《你想活出怎样的人生》等作品的动画工作室。. 它还是日本动画 ...

  3. 2024年4月17日 · The Seishun 18 Kippu (ticket) is an affordable way of traveling around Japan on the JR network. For ¥12,050, all local trains on the network are included on an unlimited basis. The ticket is not valid on express trains that require seat bookings, including the bullet train (shinkansen). There are some exceptions such as the connection between ...

  4. 2024年4月3日 · John Rucynski is an English teacher, writer, and editor who has been living in Japan for over 20 years. He is currently based in the Kansai region and has vowed to stay until his beloved Hanshin Tigers finally win the Japan Series again. When he isn't working, he loves exploring Japan on foot and by bicycle.

  5. 2024年4月9日 · 中国的游客抢购马桶盖自不必说,依据日本的著名马桶盖品牌TOTO提供的数据显示,截至2019年,日本的马桶盖出口数量就已经超过了5000万台。从2018年的年出口58万台,到预计2022年将达到的200万台,日本的马桶盖出口趋势还是十分强劲,值得期待的。

  6. 2024年4月3日 · The Wandering Quinn Ellie. 29. British. 50+ Countries. 6 Continents. Traveller Since 2010. 2 Years Living in Oz. 2.5 Living in London. Blogging Since 2014. Quit My Job To Travel Again & Blog Full Time in Summer 2018. Travelling Right Now. Solo Female Traveller.

  7. 2024年4月3日 · This National Treasure is on view through May 12, 2024. Japan's emperors and their families were raised to be well versed in the arts, cultivating deep knowledge of the waka poetry and music of different eras. Within their palaces, they collected and carefully preserved important examples of classical texts, calligraphy, and musical instruments.

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