雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在近日,錢家一家大細追看大熱宮廷中的富察皇后更是阿囡最喜歡的角色,她說要像皇后那麼和藹可親,善解人意。 錢媽我趁機提醒阿囡,想做富察皇后首先要有以下3 個理財品德。 快來測試你有否做富察皇后的潛質吧! 1. 節儉珍惜. 節儉是中國傳統的美德,節儉不代表你要節衣縮食,不消費,做「孤寒財主」,而是要懂得珍惜,不要浪費。 舉個例:我們出外吃飯時,很多時點滿一枱食物,到最後吃不完剩下許多,既嘥錢又浪費食物。 但其實只要在點菜時,多提醒自己不要眼闊肚窄,就可以避免叫得太多造成浪費,也為保護地球資源出一份力。 2. 以身作則. 富察皇后捨棄珠寶,用通草绒花作頭飾,希望令宮中其他人學習簡約。 我們不要看輕自己的影響力,多提醒自己在日常生活上要保持良好習慣,用自己的一言一行影響他人。

  2. 錢家有道由 投資者及理財教育委員會(投委會) 負責管理,並獲教育局及四家金融監管機構支持。. 投資者及理財教育委員會 (前稱為投資者教育中心)於2016年4月推出錢家有道並舉行啟動禮。. 啟動禮包括跨媒體教育活動,透過電視、戶外廣告及社交媒體推廣 ...

  3. The Chin Family is an independent and impartial financial education platform providing free education information, resources and tools. We help people in Hong Kong to plan and manage their finances by making financial learning simple and enjoyable. The Chin Family is managed by the Investor Education Centre (IEC), which is supported by the ...

  4. Deferred annuity is more suitable for the working population. It allows policyholders to accumulate retirement savings by instalments when they are young, and convert the savings into a steady stream of income when they retire to cover their daily expenses. Additionally, qualifying deferred annuity premiums are eligible for tax deductions.

  5. Starting from 1 April 2019, retirement savings of taxpayers via qualifying deferred annuity premiums of a qualifying deferred annuity policy (QDAP) and TVC under MPF schemes can enjoy tax deductions of up to a maximum of HK$60,000 per year. For the qualifying ...

  6. Hong Kong Money Month. The Hong Kong Money Month (HKMM), debuted in 2017, is an annual territory-wide campaign led by the IFEC. It is one of the core actions of Financial Literacy Strategy that help increase the public's awareness of the benefits of financial education. This financial education campaign is supported by the Financial Services ...

  7. www.ifec.org.hk › web › tcmoney-month

    香港理財月. 香港理財月 (理財月)是由投委會自2017年開始牽頭的年度全港性運動,是理財能力策略主要措施之一,有助提高普羅大眾對理財教育能為他們帶來裨益的認知。. 這項理財教育運動得到財經事務及庫務局、教育局、香港金融管理局、保險業監管局 ...

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