雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. Qingming Festival; Chingming Festival; Tomb-Sweeping Day; Mourning Day; Clear and Bright Festival; Pure Brightness Festival

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  2. 春分清明夏至立秋等熟悉的詞彙都是來自「 24節氣 」,所謂的24節氣,指的是季節與氣候的變化,過去農業為主的社會,許多事物都以農業為最優先考量,曆法也不意外,24節氣的制定便是為方便農作,而觀察大自然後整理出的現象註解。 這套註解隨著中國曆法一起傳入日本,即使在日本停止使用中國曆法,轉以使用西洋曆法時,24節氣依舊被保留使用,甚至加入了日本新創的「 雜節 」,成為日本特有的曆法。 關於「雜節」 ©PIXTA. 「雜節」的制定基礎跟24節氣類似,一樣是以農作活動為基礎,歸納出最適合的作業時期,所以 日本獨有的9個雜節,都是跟農業與氣候息息相關 ,以下便一一介紹9個雜節。 節分 :相信是大家很熟悉的雜節,沒錯,就是那個要撒豆驅鬼的節日。

  3. 2016年1月12日 · Tea. en.wikipedia.org. Japanese tea ceremony is an art form that has been perfected over 1,000 years, and below RocketNews24 examines some of that long history. Japanese tea masters dedicate their lives to the ritual preparation of a simple bowl of tea. The tea ceremony can be a half-day affair, lasting up to four hours!

  4. 2017年5月15日 · Festivals Events Family. Shichi-go-san (“Seven-Five-Three” Festival) is a yearly event in Japan, held on November 15, in which parents celebrate and pray for the development and happiness of their sons and daughters, typically boys at 5 and girls at the ages of 7 and 3 (this varies by region). This custom reportedly began during the Edo ...

  5. 2018年4月27日 · 1. New Year's Day (Jan. 1) While many nations in East Asia celebrate the Lunar New Year, Japan celebrates New Year’s Day on January 1 according to the Gregorian calendar. January 1 is the only official national holiday, but most companies will be off until the 4th. New Year’s Eve is called omisoka (大晦日), while New Year’s Day is ...

  6. 2021年8月4日 · 有点类似于中国的清明节,8月13日之前扫墓祭拜、13日迎接祖先、16日恭送祖先。 在这段期间,日本人会准备一种名为“精灵马”的祭品,精灵马一般由时令蔬菜(茄子,黄瓜等)制成,日本人认为它是为祖先提供往返阴阳两间的交通工具,让已经在彼岸的已故先人能够享受祖孙后世的祭拜以及供养。

  7. 2017年11月2日 · Since this is a general term for a lantern, it's often applied to lantern festivals that don't specifically feature chochin paper lanterns. 8. Tado Taisha Chochin Matsuri (Mie) Tado Taisha Shrine is located just west of Nagoya in the city of Kuwana in northeastern Mie Prefecture.

  8. 2019年5月31日 · UNESCO listed the sites as World Heritage in 1999. The sites are Futarasan Shrine, Tosho-gu Shrine (where shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu is enshrined) and Rinno-ji Temple. The Nikko area is famous in Japan for its beautiful natural landscapes as well, which provide serene scenery to its famous sites. - www.jnto.go.jp.

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