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  1. 2018年2月1日 · 1. The hot water must be below 80°Celsius (176°F) Temperatures over 80°C are too hot for your yutampo . 2. Fill up the bottle thoroughly. Completely fill the bottle with clean hot water to avoid deforming the bottle's shape. Clean tap water is ideal for your yutampo, as opposed to previously used water such as the remaining hot water in a ...

  2. 2020年12月22日 · Heat Packs (Hokkairo) Hokkairo, or just kairo, are warm pads or packs that can be placed under clothing for temporary relief from the cold. There are many types available, each with a unique shape and function. This includes the sticky haru hokkairo to put on your clothing, ones for under your feet, or ones to wear over your face while resting.

  3. 2018年6月4日 · 比起国内的几大“火炉城市”,日本往往给我们的印象要清凉许多,比如冲绳北海道。但说真的,日本的夏天,热起来也是随随便便就会超过30度高温,而且湿度很高,很是让人头疼。也因此,日本人也很擅长发掘很多凉爽的避暑胜地,除了可以供小朋友渡过漫长的暑假,也可以让上班族趁着短暂的 ...

  4. 接下來就來跟大家介紹五個在日本享有高人氣的避暑勝地,除了清涼的瀑布之外,也有讓人目眩神怡的鐘乳洞美景。 如果你也和我一樣,害怕夏天炎熱的高溫以及毫不留情炙熱的陽光的話,可以到鄰近的日本走走;這些涼爽舒適以及可以感受到時光生命力的鐘乳洞,非常歡迎你去探索他們的神秘的 ...

  5. 2019年3月18日 · Innovation. > Hot Concepts. Kairo: Japan's Top Secret to Warmth in Winter. Robert Kodama Updated March 18, 2019. Find out how to keep your body parts warm all day and night during the bitterly cold Japanese winter by reading our guide to kairo (カイロ), or Japanese heating pads. Normal Kairo.

  6. 夏季泡溫泉的好處除了能放鬆身心、疏通氣血循環、使毛細孔擴張散熱之作用外,也能讓肌膚光滑細嫩;體質偏寒怕冷、冬季經常手腳冰冷的人在夏季更要泡湯熱養生!小編蒐羅了日本各地夏季也非常適合泡湯的12處溫泉,一起來泡個湯消暑吧!

  7. 若是想要製作上述的日式小吃, 少了最基礎的伍斯特醬也沒關係,一樣可以利用廚房裡最基礎的番茄醬、醬油、胡椒以7:2:1的比列調製。. 取用製作好的伍斯特醬加上蜂蜜或砂糖,以3:1的比例加熱,即可調和成接近中濃醬的風味 ;或是利用中華料理常用的 ...

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