雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年10月10日 · Japanese Twitter user recently tweeted a few stills from Mei and the Kittenbus, the Totoro sequel, while musing that hardly anyone seems to know of its existence. It’s not there simply hasn’t been enough time for word of Mei and the Kittenbus to spread, either, since it premiered in 2003. And yes, it’s written and directed by Miyazaki ...

  2. 2018年3月29日 · As we wait for the next project by Makoto Shinkai—director of the highest-grossing anime film of all time, Your Name —CoMix Wave Films, the anime studio that’s produced the visuals for every one of Shinkai’s movies, has already lined up its next full-length animated feature, Shiki Oriori (Weaving Poems of the Seasons). If you don’t ...

  3. 當豚骨的油脂與空氣混合後,經過長時間的熬煮而成的「脂泡」,其綿密泡沫其實就是凸顯博多(豚骨)拉麵的秘訣,這也是博多一幸舍被譽為「元祖泡系」豚骨湯頭的主要特徵。加上增加豚骨拉麵口感的筍乾、大量細蔥,以及軟嫩不肥膩的叉燒肉和綿密甘甜的溏心蛋等配料,就成了簡單卻充滿精彩 ...

  4. 2023年7月6日 · 從食用方式上,日式燒肉與韓國燒肉有著極大的不同,品嘗正統的日式燒肉時並不會將肉包到菜裡一起吃。通常是將烤好的燒肉沾以特製的日式燒肉醬汁直接吃,或是把燒肉當成料理,也就是日式定食中經常出現,與米飯一起享用的「燒肉定食」。

  5. 2018年2月22日 · 沾麵的特色就是將拉麵與沾麵醬,各別放在不同的容器中,將煮過的麵條沖泡冷水,讓麵條產生回凝作用,產生薄膜進而防止水分流失,比起泡在熱湯裡的麵條,口感更彈牙、更有嚼勁!而大多數沾麵醬的濃度相對拉麵湯更為濃稠,不僅是為了增強味覺的衝擊,更能讓麵條緊緊沾附。將冰冷的麵條沾 ...

  6. 2020年10月14日 · Starring Takeda Tetsuya (武田鉄矢), loved by TV audiences but not by the women who populate his world, this hit follows his quest to find a wife. Our unlikely hero fails almost one hundred times before finally meeting a beautiful cellist played by Asano Atsuko (浅野温子). However, still mourning the loss of her fiancé, she too comes ...

  7. 前面介紹了設立在寺廟中的咖啡店,似有些不搭但進入店內便會發現毫無違和感。接下來要介紹的店家更為獨特,在供奉了日本國內最大的觀音像的長谷寺中,竟然可以品味到別處沒有的咖哩「お寺のカレー」,加上餐點的費用也設定在1,000日元左右, 一點也不會造成荷包的負擔。

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