雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年5月30日 · Rainy Season 101. The rainy season is a period of transition from spring to summer in Japan that typically lasts from early June to mid-July for most of the country. The Japanese word for rainy season is tsuyu, literally “plum rain” (梅雨), as it coincides with the season of plums ripening in Japan.

  2. 2018年1月29日 · Freeze some yuzu, put it in a jar, add half of its weight in granulated sugar, shake and wait for the sugar to melt before putting it in the refrigerator. Yuzu-cha can be found in any Japanese supermarket; just look for a jar with ゆず茶 written on it. 4. Hachimitsu Daikon (Honey Radish)

  3. 2016年6月17日 · A carbon dioxide spring ( nisanka-tanso ensen) has at least 100 milligrams of carbonic acid per kilogram of spring water, resulting in a fine froth on the surface. While relatively rare in Japan, these springs are said to help with cuts, burns, arteriosclerosis and hypertension, as well as lowering blood pressure as your blood vessels expand.

  4. 只要搞懂日本的地理關係與行政劃分,就算是路癡也能完成日本自由行!. 暢遊日本不難,但要搞懂日本行政單位的劃分,對旅人來說畢竟有一定的難度,在這樣的基礎上最簡單的分辨原則,便是了解究竟提及的是都道府縣或是市區町村。. 舉例來說,大家熟知的 ...

  5. 日本農林水產省為了保護地方農林水產品及食品品牌,2015年開始施行「地理標誌(GI)保護制度」,GI是 「Geographical(地理)Indication(標示)」的簡寫。這制度是從國家的角度在商品品質方面給予認證,保護生產者,維持其永續生產,防止假冒商品,提高產地及商品的品牌力,亦可提高消費者辨別 ...

  6. 繡球花最佳天然土壤酸鹼值測試員! 繡球花在成長開花過程中,會隨著環境變化而變色,所以也稱「八仙花」。 日本因火山地質為多且雨量豐富,因此土質偏酸性,所看到的繡球花主要花色偏藍紫色系,歐洲國家土質偏偏鹼性,故花色以紅色系為主。

  7. 2019年3月18日 · Advisory (注意報, chuiho): this means that there is a possibility of danger. Warning (警報, keiho): there is a significant possibility of danger. Emergency Warning (特別警報, tokubetsu keiho): there is a very high risk of danger, so you should prepare accordingly or leave the area. Severe weather conditions in Japan to be aware of are ...

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