雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Browse Tips 「Forecast wind degree greater than or equal to 6 or wave height greater than or equal to 3 meters, please vessels engaged in marine activities or jobs should pay particular attention to safety」 「Forecast wind degree greater than or equal to 8 or wave ...

  2. 恆星在演化過程中,重力收縮溫度升高點燃核心氫融合成氦的核反應,部分質量轉換成能量,使星球維持長期且穩定的光輝,而星體內部高溫所產生的向外膨脹之熱壓力與造成收縮的重力達到平衡,因此這個階段星體大小和溫度大致不變,如現今太陽即是1例。

  3. Heat Hazard Context Signal Criteria & Reminders Yellow Daily maximum temperature reaches 36 C. Reduce outdoor activities or work. Avoid strenuous exercise. Protect yourself from direct sun, stay hydrated, and be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat

  4. 每日於18:00-19:00更新,點卡片下方分享鈕可分享至社群. 臺北市,縣市預報,縣市,預報,天氣,氣象,一周天氣預報,一周預報,7天預報,今明天氣預報,今明預報,36小時預報,溫度,降雨機率,體感溫度,紫外線,日出日沒,月出月沒,天氣電子卡.

  5. 鄉鎮預報 | 交通部中央氣象局 ... 鄉鎮預報