雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月8日 · 食物環境衞生署和屋宇署成立的聯辦處會安排一站式的服務處理樓宇滲水投訴聯辦處的職責是執行公眾衞生及市政條例》(第132章的相關條文減除滲水妨擾。 如有需要,亦會轉介個案予屋宇署或水務署,作出相應行動。 例如屋宇署會按《建築物條例》(第123章),針對樓宇及排水渠失修問題;而水務署則按《水務設施條例》(第102章),制止浪費食水的情況。 聯辦處需要多少時間調查滲水原因?

  2. 執行公眾衞生及市政條例》,以減除滲水造成的妨擾。 如有需要,把個案轉介屋宇署或水務署跟進。 聯合辦事處的調查工作程序 在收到投訴後的6個工作天內聯絡投訴人。 到現場視察,然後進入被投訴的單位有系統地進行非破壞性測試,以確定滲水源頭。

    • A. What Are Some Common Causes of Water Leakage?
    • B. How Can The Source of The Water Leakage Be Identified?
    • C. How Can A Water Leakage Dispute Be Settled?
    • D. The Fehd/Bd Joint Office
    • F. What Can The Fehd/Bd Joint Office Do to Abate Water Leakage Nuisance?

    Common causes of water leakage are: 1. leakage in the drainage pipes of your flat or one above or adjacent to your flat; 2. leakage in the water supply pipes of your flat or one above or adjacent to your flat; 3. deteriorated waterproofing of floor slabs or bathtub seals; and 4. seepage of waste water or rain water through the roof or external wall...

    Property owners are responsible for maintaining and managing their flats, including investigating water leakage problems. If water seepage/leakage is found inside a private property, the owner should first investigate the cause and, as appropriate, co-ordinate with the occupants and owners concerned for repairs. The Joint Office of the Food and Env...

    If the water leakage is suspected to originate from a flat above or next door, the owner should quickly approach the owner and the occupier of the suspected flat to investigate and arrange repair work to stop the leakage. If the water leakage is suspected to originate from the common area of the building, assistance may be sought from the managers ...

    The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and Buildings Department (BD) established a Joint Office in mid-2006 to handle water leakage problems in which the Government has a responsibility to intervene. The Joint Office provides a “one-stop service” for dealing with complaints about water leakage in buildings. Its role is to enforce the ...

    The Joint Office is authorised to enforce the relevant provisions of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance. If the source of leakage is identified, the person concerned is issued a nuisance notice requiring abatement of the nuisance within a specified period of time, failing which the person will be subject to prosecution. Upon convict...

  3. 在正常情況下,聯合辦公室會在收到舉報後的6個工作天內聯絡舉報人。 職員會先視察受影響單位然後進入被投訴的單位有系統地進行非破壞式測試以找出滲水源頭。 就簡單容易處理的個案並且得到有關業主/住戶的合作的情況下,聯合辦公室通常可於90個工作天內完成調查,並將結果通知舉報人。 若未能於90個工作天內完成調查,聯合辦公室會書面告知舉報人調查的進展。 處理滲水舉報時,我們需要相關人士合作,讓調查人員進入單位進行測試及搜集證據,以確定滲水源頭。 視乎滲水情況,可能需要作出多次測試及收集不同樣本進行化驗。 若業主/住戶拒絕合作,聯合辦公室會向法庭申請手令進入有關單位。 法定權力.

  4. 調查滲水的一般程序 樓宇業主/ 住戶須注意事項 業主及住戶的責任 1. 樓宇滲水一般是由於樓宇和設施破損及缺乏維修所致。妥善管理和維修保養樓宇,包括解決樓宇滲水的問題,是樓宇業主及住戶應有的責任。要徹底解決滲水問題,需要有關業主及住戶的合作。

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  5. 其他人也問了

  6. 自行勘測滲水 天花滲水 天花滲水 牆壁滲水 牆壁滲水 滲水問題同解決 有商有量好街坊 滲水問題同解決 有商有量好街坊 滲水的常見原因是什麼? 常見滲水原因 : 樓上、毗鄰或本身單位的排水管漏水。 樓上、毗鄰或本身單位的供水管漏水。 樓板防水層或浴缸封邊殘損。 污水或雨水經由天台/ 外牆 ...

  7. 滲水投訴調查聯合辦事處(「滲水辦」)是由食物環境衞生署(「 食環署」)及屋宇署組成,專責進行調查以找出造成衞生妨擾的滲水源頭,並採取相應執法行動本署於2008年就同一課題完成主動調查後,仍繼續接到市民對滲水辦的投訴,主要指該辦往往用很長時間進行測試,但仍找不到滲水源頭,以及依靠色水測試來確定滲水源頭的做法落後。 本署亦注意到,該辦使用較新技術(例如紅外線熱成像分析、微波斷層掃描)協助追查滲水源頭的情況並不普遍、調查需時甚長並有大量積壓個案。 本署調查所得. 2. 綜合本案調查所得,本署就滲水辦處理滲水舉報的成效問題,有以下評論。 處理舉報的效能. (I) 個案積壓問題嚴重. 3. 在2018 及2019年, 滲水辦分別有13,889 及17,034宗未完成行動的個案, 個案積壓情況嚴重。