雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 【深度日本】在日投資置產?買房自住?東京TOP5住宅區大盤點(上) 東京 澀谷 想在日本東京買房?到底哪裡最具人氣?周邊的生活設施是否齊備?無論是在日本買房租房還是投資置業,先來看東京住宅人氣風向球!

  2. 因此除了購買自住房或租房有一定資金的朋友在這裡投資買房相信也是不錯的選擇。 以上就是日本關東圈內「居民最喜愛的居住區」的第五名和第四名區域的簡單介紹,正在準備買房或投資的朋友,不妨可以參考看看哦!

  3. 提到投资,尤其是在繁华的日本东京投资,大家的第一反应一定就是“很贵”或“很赚”,其实不完全是这样。 首先,在日本东京的23区内投资不动产,是最常见,也最不容易出错的投资方案。 而在距离车站5~10分钟左右,面积20平米的房产是最抢手的。

  4. 2017年2月17日 · Although called a “forest,” it’s actually just a single camphor tree that’s over 1,000 years old, with a trunk that 11 meters (36 ft) in diameter and huge branches measuring up to 25 meters (82 ft) long. It might seem a little far-fetched to compare Yamaguchi and Australia side by side, but these two places have some striking similarities!

  5. 如同台灣六大分區的劃分,北北基、桃竹苗、中彰、雲嘉南、高屏、宜花東中又可以再區分成臺北市、新北市等行政劃分,日本四大島內也可再行分成當前的行政區,也就是大家熟知的一道一都兩府四十三縣「47都道府縣」。

  6. 2024年2月15日 · Raised in a dairy-farming family near the city of Warrnambool in south-western Victoria, Australian Rosie Moloney has called Kochi prefecture “home” for more than a decade. Rosie, husband Tsuyoshi and their two dogs are one of around 750 households that make up Mihara Village, a community nestled in the mountains of the Hata District.

  7. 2019年3月18日 · 2. Transport & Travel on a Shoestring. Depending on the duration of your stay and places you want to visit, you might want to consider getting the Japan Rail Pass, also known as JR Pass. This ticket basically allows you to ride most JR trains and buses in Japan (including bullet trains) for a set number of days.

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