雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 京都古稱「平安京」,從公元9世紀桓武天皇起,日本就建都在此,直到19世紀後期明治天皇遷都至東京,這一千多年的時間裡,京都一直都是日本重要的政治、經濟、文化中心,素有「千年古都」的美稱。然而想要熟門熟路穿梭在京都這座千年古都,其實一點都不困難!只要把握幾條主要幹道和了解 ...

  2. 2019年8月15日 · 說到稻荷神社是否馬上浮現令人印象深刻的紅色鳥居與狐狸神呢?稻荷神社中最具代表性的伏見稻荷大社是來到京都必來的景點之一。沿著森林中的山間小徑排列而成的千本鳥居神聖又壯觀,可以發揮創意繪畫的狐狸繪馬也是伏見稻荷大社的特色之一。

  3. 素有「日本最後的祕境」之稱的立山黑部,位於日本中部,其磅礴的氣勢令人聯想起歐洲的阿爾卑斯山,故在日本,人們習慣稱之為“阿爾卑斯山”。 1956年,關西電力公司耗資513億日元,動用1000萬人力,歷時7年在立山黑部山脈中海拔1454米處建成了高186米、長492米、總蓄水量達2億噸的穹頂型拱壩 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 2017年11月2日 · Historical. The Ancient Ninja Strongholds of Iga & Koka. John Asano Updated November 2, 2017. Museum Ninja Shoryudo Mie Shiga. www.govoyagin.com. A lot of mystery and intrigue surround the legendary ninja of Japan. In Japanese, ninja are also called shinobi, which is a shortened form of shinobi-no-mono (忍びの者), or “those who act in stealth.”

  6. 2015年12月1日 · Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens in Japan on December 18. Read full story: Witness folding screens inspired by the Star Wars trilogy at one of Japan's most iconic temples.

  7. 2017年12月21日 · Constructed in 1619 and used until 1869, it was one of 53 such checkpoints used by the Tokugawa government to control travel between cities during the Edo Period (1603-1868). Hakone Sekisho.

  8. 2016年9月15日 · Historical Checkpoint. The town was not just meant for passing daimyo and their retainers to warm their bones and stop by for a pleasant meal, though: Hakone was also a security checkpoint. To be certain that armed rebellion would not foment in the capital, and that the daimyo would remain loyal (as their families were, in effect, being ...