雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.eamovers.com.hk › app › Index東亞搬運

    為何要選擇我們 ? 因為我們擁有最專業的搬運隊伍,所有搬運過程都有拍下影片作為參考,由最初的一個電話開始,便會有專人跟進整個搬運過程,由搬運前到搬運後都照顧到。我們除提供紙箱外,更會提供膠袋,氣珠紙,膠紙機,膠紙及箱頭筆,閣下亦不需花費一分一毫購買任何包裝材料。

  2. 東亞搬運有限公司擁有最專業的搬運隊伍,提供專業搬屋、搬廠、搬琴、搬辦公室、搬寫字樓、辦公室搬運等服務,經營多年,搬屋服務範圍遍佈港、九、新界,是一間有經驗的搬運公司。本搬運公司並提供專業包裝,紙箱等搬屋工具,確保閣下的物品不會損壞。

  3. 3. 紙箱數量可按實際搬運時增多或減少,搬運費亦除之會調整。. (尺寸21吋X14.5吋X14.5吋 – box file可裝約6-7個) 4. 網上報價之價錢只作參考,實際價錢必需經本公司專員上址實地視際。. 5. 屏風及路軌文件櫃需另加裝板費用,電腦估算價錢並不包括在內。. 6. 電腦 ...

  4. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  5. East Asia Moving and Packing. About us. Our Services. Online Quotation. Packing Materials. Our Standards.

  6. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  7. 东亚搬运有限公司拥有最专业的搬运队伍,提供专业搬屋、搬厂、搬琴、搬办公室、搬写字楼、办公室搬运等服务,经营多年,搬屋服务范围遍布港、九、新界,是一间有经验的搬运公司。本搬运公司并提供专业包装,纸箱等搬屋工具,确保阁下的物品不会损坏。