雅虎香港 搜尋


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  4. Cold Surge Advisory Context Signal Criteria & Reminders Yellow Minimum ground-level temperature is below 10 C. Cold in early morning and evening, with a chance of minimum temperature dropping below 10 C and significant day-night temperature difference.

  5. 中央氣象局氣象預報中心人員隨時監控天氣變化,當觀測或研判未來有大雨或豪雨發生機會時,即會適時發布大雨特報或豪雨特報,提醒各界注意防範。 「大雨」與「豪雨」定義如下: 大雨(heavy rain):指24小時累積雨量達80毫米以上,或時雨量達40毫米以上之降雨現象。

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