雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey.

  2. ~同コンソーシアム加盟旅行会社への継続なアプローチが奏功~ 本アワードは、デスティネーションのほか、宿泊 施設などの業種別に構成され、加盟旅行会社による 投票により受賞者が決定します。デスティネーショ ン部門のアワード「Most Desired Preferred

  3. Download the JNTO Official Travel App for public transportation transit search, navigation, map, offline features, travel tips, disaster information and other useful functions and information.

  4. 賛助団体・会員からのニュース. 参加募集中!. 令和6年度第1回TCVBミーティング「建造物ライトアップの始め方と成功のコツ」【公益財団法人東京観光財団】 (PDF). 2024年4月23日. 賛助団体・会員からのニュース. 訪日外国人観光客向けサービス『Japan Travel by ...

  5. 日本政府観光局(JNTO) - Japan National Tourism Organization

  6. If the Japan Meteorological Agency expects a tsunami to cause any damage, it issues a warning approximately three minutes after an earthquake. When there is a strong or weak but long-lasting vibration, you should start evacuating. Also, do not evaluate the safety situation yourself but evacuate to a more elevated place regardless.

  7. With respect to availability of transportation, please note that schedules may be subject to change in the event of an emergency such as a disaster. Please refer to the information provided by the relevant business operators. In the event of an emergency such as a disaster, please check the website of the embassy of your country in Japan. The ...