雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年11月1日 · While Japan is home to over 300 castles, there are only 12 that still retain their original castle keep. The other castles only claim original outlying buildings, often with a recently reconstructed keep, and many more are simply ruins. Surviving the test of time, these 12 so-called "original construction" castles are the cream of the crop. 12.

  2. find-travel.jp. 位於市區的國際通大街及市郊的首里城,是沖繩曾繁極ㄧ時的外交重心,同時作為祈禱國家安寧的聖地備受百姓敬仰,無疑是琉球王國象徵性的存在。. 首里城雖曾飽受戰亂侵害,但現在城內建築大部分已被復原,拜訪這座滿含歷史余韻的古城,追溯 ...

  3. 2017年11月2日 · Ise Grand Shrine’s buildings are constructed in what is known as the yuitsu-shinmei-zukuri style, a type of architecture that incorporates building elements common in Japan before Buddhism was introduced to the country via the Silk Road.

  4. 2017年12月21日 · Travel. > Historical. Hakone Shrine: Home of the Nine-Headed Serpent. Michael Kanert Updated December 21, 2017. Shrines Hakone Temples & Shrines Greater Tokyo Kanagawa Kanto. pixta.jp. The Hakone hot spring resort region is centered on Mount Hakone (箱根山・Hakone-yama), a massive, multi-peaked volcano with a crater lake in its southern corner.

  5. 2017年11月2日 · The Ancient Ninja Strongholds of Iga & Koka. John Asano Updated November 2, 2017. Museum Ninja Shoryudo Mie Shiga. www.govoyagin.com. A lot of mystery and intrigue surround the legendary ninja of Japan. In Japanese, ninja are also called shinobi, which is a shortened form of shinobi-no-mono (忍びの者), or “those who act in stealth.”

  6. 首先,在拉麵店一進門的自動購票機先行買票,然後交給店員,有隊伍的情況下就排排隊,沒隊伍的話,直接落座等著面端上桌。 可是,不少同學在面對自動購票機時,往往會瞬間犯懵,按鈕下方有配圖的還好些,沒有的話基本靠猜,機器上的各種拉麵術語都指的哪些面呢? 筆者這就帶你進入可以迅速讀懂拉麵菜單的日語加油站。 5種基本湯底. http://hidakaya.hiday.co.jp/menupage/cate2.html. 大體上,日本拉麵逃不過以下5種湯底。 ①醬油味(醤油ラーメン) ,以中華面(中華そば)的特色為基本,醬油清湯,偏鹹。 ②鹽味(塩ラーメン) ,以雞湯(即日語裡的“鶏白湯”)為主,有清口的,也有超濃的,湯底的鮮香是決勝關鍵。

  7. 2017年1月26日 · Business First Time in Japan Deeper Japan Life in Japan. kaigai-matome.net. There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down.