雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 珍珠耳環的少女 相關

  2. 經認證的鑽石珠寶,保證優質價格,免費國際直郵,免費禮物包裝.趕緊行動,在線選購! 精美刻制的鑽石珠寶,保證優質價格.免費禮物包裝,官網直購,免費國際直郵.

    • 分級認證鑽石



    • 完美鑽戒


      盡在Blue Nile.

    • 特價珠寶



    • 結婚對戒指環


      盡在Blue Nile.


  1. During the internship, you will have the opportunity to explore topics of interest based on your career development aspirations, including Green Governance, Social Development, Financial Inclusion/Green Finance, Technology Innovation, Green Operations and Risk Management. Internship Period. 24 June 2024 – 16 August 2024 (8 weeks)

  2. www.bochk.com › dam › bochkBOCHK

    BOCHK. 中银香港新版港元钞票正面以香港市花紫荆花及著名地标中银大厦为主景,配上崭新图案;背面则透过五大设计主题 - 智慧都会、自然风貌、文化传承、生态保育及茶艺文化,将香港中西文化交汇、传统现代相容、自然人文并秀这一独特魅力展示在 ...

  3. Upon the completion of 18-month training, GBA Trainees will be assigned to specific positions for on-going development in the Bank based on the departmental needs and their personal abilities and aspirations. We offer GBA Trainee positions in the following functions. Requirements. Graduates of 2022-2024 with Bachelor's Degree or above ...

  4. 財智學院. 想自助理財但又無從入手?. 「財智學院」透過深入淺出教學及資訊,包括短片、生活化例子及小故事,讓您可以一站式獲得投資及保障基本知識,幫助理財新手建立更全面正確理財概念。.

  5. 中銀香港創新先驅大賽2023. 圓滿成功. 「中銀香港創新先驅大賽2023」已經圓滿結束,比賽競爭非常熱烈。. 10隊成功入圍決賽隊伍角逐9個獎項,合共港幣55萬元獎金。. 「中銀香港創新先驅大賽2023」評審團隊及嘉賓為賽事提供寶貴意見及協助,並與各隊伍在 ...

  6. 「指靜脈認證」 中銀香港現時於全線分行、ATM及 至 專客服均提供「指靜脈認證」設施,為您提供便捷、安全銀行服務。 您只需登記一次「指靜脈認證」,便可透過指靜脈認證取代簽名或ATM卡密碼,輕鬆進行指定交易。 「指靜脈認證」透過近紅外線照射手指,獲取手指內靜脈分佈圖像來進行 ...

  7. OVERVIEW. The "BOCHK Challenge" has been held for 8 consecutive years. It continuously provides a platform for students from higher education institutions and startups to showcase their talents on technology and ignite innovative ideas. Our goal is to sow the seeds of hope for technological innovation ventures.

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