雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 課程宗旨. 本課程旨在為培訓學生掌握運動教練專業知識和技能。. 透過理論和實習,學生於畢業後能投身於各運動機構從事教練及運動訓練相關工作。. 本課程著重通識教育、語文訓練、全人發展和職場工作體驗,為學生畢業後繼續升學或就業作最佳裝備 ...

  2. Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. (Scoring scale: 5**=7 points; 5*=6 points; 5=5 points; 4=4 points; 3=3 points; 2=2 points; 1=1 point) Students may be required to attend classes on other VTC campuses.

  3. 課程包括:健體、游泳、太極、高爾夫球、籃球、排球、足球、網球、乒乓球、羽毛球、壁球、保齡球、桌球、健身、健康舞、瑜珈、運動攀登等。 課程採用先到先得的報名方法,詳情請留意宣傳單張/海報。 IVE 大專體育代表隊 ...

  4. 體育活動. 學生支援服務. 透過不同的體育活動,同學不僅在運動技能及體能上有所提升,並且改善運動習慣及態度,從而培養健康,生活模式,達致身心的均衡發展。. 體育組亦會透過全人發展課程和籌辦不同類型的體育活動,包括週年運動會、聯院類比賽 ...

  5. Programme code HT524105. [Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by IVE, on average 2 evenings and Saturday afternoon per week, normally 3 semesters (with summer semester) per academic year.] The programme aims to equip students with the technical and professional knowledge and skills in sports coaching. Through ...

  6. Upon completion of the Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate (DVB) programmes, students can progress to Higher Diploma programmes in VTC, subject to their BTEC and IGCSE results. Applications with work experience and/or prior qualification (s) submitted will be assessed individually by the departments concerned.

  7. Overview. Our Department is of a multidisciplinary nature and is offering Higher Diploma courses in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering areas. Our courses are very popular and our graduates easily find jobs or pursue further studies at the university level. We adopt a flexible and creative approach to teaching and use various ...