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  1. 甲狀腺亢進成因 相關

  2. 上個月有 超過 1 萬 名用戶曾瀏覽 gvsc.hk

    We are committed to provide patients with comprehensive and high quality services. 5th Floor, Granville House, 41C-D Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

  3. 世界首創,唯一純天然草本配製. 適合所有類型的甲狀線健康問題及健康人士可作保健預防


  1. 還款期最短為3個月及最長為84個月。. 根據放債人條例,實際年利率不超過48%。. 所有示例資訊只作參考,最終批核按個別申請人之實際情況而定:. 貸款額:HK$200,000. 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計) 按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免. 每月還款金額為HK$5,940 ...

  2. 網上私人貸款即時批核!. 申請貸款只需身份證及手提 電話# ,借錢更方便。. 申請私人貸款前,學習更多有關貸款的小知識,了解貸款申請及批核時或可用到的小貼士。. 讓你做個精明借貸者,解決資金周轉煩惱並助您實現財務目標。. 立即了解更多!.

    • 保持良好信貸評級。私人貸款成功率和信貸評級成正比,評分愈高,就愈容易成功獲批。財務機構會基於信貸紀錄,去斷定您履行還款責任的能力,所以維持良好信貸記錄是成功借貸的重要關鍵。
    • 只借適當的貸款額。申請貸款時,需要評估自己的實際財務需要及還款能力,決定合理的借貸額,應量力而為而無須「借到盡」。面對較低貨款額的申請時,財務機構的批核準則有可能會較為寬鬆。
    • 減低每月還款金額。當借貸金額大,而您選擇較短的還款期時,每月的還款金額亦會因而上升。貸款機構或會擔憂您每月能否如期清還這大額款項,否則它們可能需要承受未能準時收妥還款的風險。
    • 有保證的還款能力。貸款機構批出貸款時,其實需要承擔借貸人無力還款時損失金錢的風險。所以於無抵押和證明的情況下,如借貸人還款能力成疑,貸款就會較難獲批。
  3. Common Misconceptions about Loans Some people think that they are not eligible to apply for a loan with credit card debt or an existing loan, but that is not the case! As long as you have a good repayment record and credit score, you can still get a loan approved.

  4. 2023年12月1日 · About Promise. Since its establishment as a licensed money lender in Hong Kong from 1992, Promise continues to provide convenient financial services to its customers. We put our customers first, providing flexible and trustworthy personal loan solutions to help them relieve their cash flow needs anytime and anywhere.

  5. Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd is a 100% wholly owned overseas subsidiary of SMBC Consumer Finance (hereinafter "SMBCCF"), one of the leading consumer finance institutions in Japan. Established as a licensed money lender in Hong Kong in 1992, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd inherits the experience of SMBCCF in credit management, operation management ...

  6. 2023年9月1日 · 邦民日本財務 (香港)有限公司謹啟. 2022.09.01. 大棠站分行於2022年9月1日起停止營業。. 2022.07.04. 紅磡分行於2022年7月27日起停止營業。. 2022.05.13. 全新的旺角分行現已投入服務。. 2022.05.13. 本公司接獲多宗客戶投訴指有人冒認為本公司之員工、前員工或代理人推銷 ...

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