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  1. Privilege Offer for Selected Member Thank you for your continued support! As a privilege selected member, Promise has prepared a special reward just for you. You will be entitled up to HK$4,000 Cash Reward immediately if you have successfully drawn down the loan on or before 31 December 2020. ...

  2. 邦民Promise 易借易還 即時解決財務需要 您的私人貸款公司首選 邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司自1992年在香港營業,一直為客戶提供易借易還的私人貸款服務。邦民香港傳承母公司於日本多年在授信管理、債權管理、營運管理和市場管理等各方面財務行業的知識及經驗,成立專業貼心貸款公司,為 ...

  3. 邦民香港的優勢 - 值得信賴 邦民香港是日本三大的大型銀行集團之一:三井住友金融集團(SMFG)的集團成員。 作為集團的海外子公司,邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司貫徹集團的服務理念,致力提供適合的財務支援以及靈活的私人貸款方案,與客戶建立信賴關係,成為客戶理想的財務好幫手。

  4. Tertiary Student Loan. Whether it is tuition, accommodation, daily study or living expenses, it is easy for students to lose track of their budgets and be in a real trouble. Promise can help! Our Tertiary Student Loan is specially designed for tertiary and university students in Hong Kong. You can easily take out loans at any time and deal with ...

  5. 1. 豁免年費之附帶條件. 隨着市場競爭激烈,大部份發卡機構都會透過豁免1至3年年費,甚至永久免年費的優惠,吸引更多人申請該信用卡作日常消費之用,甚至是以該信用卡交税、交學費或其他大額開支。 不過世界上哪會有免費午餐,發卡機構或會為免年費優惠設下條件,如最低簽賬額,所以申請前記得細閱附帶條款。 2. 現金回贈上限. 現時很多的信用卡都會以高額的現金回贈作招徠。 積極賺取回贈固然重要,但也切記留意發卡機構有否設定不同階段的上限或限制,避免簽下大筆卡數,卻得不到預期內的回贈金額。 同時亦要留意高額的現金回贈是否只限於某特定簽帳類別,一些大額的簽帳如以信用卡交税及以信用卡交學費,或未能得到高額的現金回贈,大家緊記要留意相關的條款細則。

  6. Promise truly got your back! Whether you are employed or self-employed, you can apply loan with just your ID card and mobile number #! No supporting documents are required! New customer will receive a cash reward of up to HK$10,000 ! Apply Now. Get a Personal Loan anytime, anywhere you are. The application process is quick and easy.

  7. In situations where you need cash urgently, Promise's Instant Personal Loan is here to help, offering approval and funds transfer to you online and instantly. The entire loan application process can be completed online, allowing you to obtain cash anytime and anywhere. The money lending process is simple and fast, and all you need to do is ...

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