雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Features. Rewards Scheme. Enjoy 1 bonus points upon HK$1 spend. Year Round Offers. Fabulous dining, shopping, lifestyle privileges all year-round. Details. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! Terms and conditions.

  2. 2024年1月2日 · 此超連結可連接至由第三方於互聯網上編載和經營之其他網站。第三方乃非渣打銀行(香港)有限公司及其他渣打集團成員(合稱「本行」)所擁有、控制或相關之單位,亦與本行無任何關係。 此超連結只為閣下帶來方便及提供資訊之用。

  3. The Good Life year-round offers. Standard Chartered card offers – dining, shopping, staycation and more. Enjoy fabulous offers at FORTRESS, Agoda and more with your Standard Chartered credit card or Multi-Currency Mastercard debit card, if applicable. Not yet a cardholder?

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  4. Split bills and stand to walk away with a flagship phone. Enjoy up to HKD1,560 CashBack or 15,600 miles when you split your bills using Credit Card Statement Instalment Loan plus stand to win the latest flagship phone (50 phones up for grab).

  5. 於戲院票房購買正價戲票9折 (至2019年12月31日) 須受條款及細則約束. Hotels.com. 於 Hotels.com 預訂酒店全年可享高達88 折優惠 (需輸入優惠碼,優惠至2019年12月31日) 須受條款及細則約束. 特色. 簽賬優惠. 簽賬$1可享0.5%現金回贈或1積分.

  6. Standard Chartered Hong Kong | Here for Good

  7. 2023年2月4日 · 如您有任何查詢或需要協助,請透過電話熱線或郵件與我們聯絡、或透過線上信息即時對話,解答您的銀行問題。.